Someone asked me the other day "How do I tell if something's going to be a #shitcoin before I invest"
I said that there being terms of art in the #griftcoin ecosystem like “shitcoin” and “rug” is more red flags than a Chinese army parade that it's not an investment, it's flushing money down the toilet and hoping some floats back up later.
OH (paraphrased): Crypto is larping a financial system
People keep telling me crypto is great, but when I ask them what it does for legal transactions that isn’t better served by the existing banking system, crickets.
But hey, at least it's slow, transactions are expensive, you have no recourse if you’re defrauded, you can lose everything irretrievably if you lose your key, and any money you put into it adds liquidity for criminal gangs to extract, so #crypto has all that going for it.
#GriftCoin is the one true cryptocurrency. Bask in the glory of their amazing website.
#cryptocurrency #griftcoin @griftcoin @cryptocurrency
I am baffled why a game company uses a public chain instead of a copy of ethereum to run their own #GriftChain on their own servers.
They wouldn’t have to pay to mint game assets, they could mint for free and also take a cut off of every player transaction since they’d be acting as the bank.
At that point why not just use a conventional db to hold the ownership data and not have to hassle with a #griftchain?
#griftchain #griftcoin #Cryptocurrency
#CryptoCurrency #kleptocoin
Secretly manipulating the market for the gain of insiders? Using customer assets? In the #griftcoin industry? I am shocked, shocked I say!
#griftcoin #kleptocoin #Cryptocurrency
@cryptocurrency #cryptocurrency #GriftCoin
Weird that exchanges don't have any controls over fraud and money laundering. You'd think they made a cut of the transactions... oh wait, they do.
#cryptocurrency #ethereum #griftcoin #kleptocurrency
OH: What if money laundering was easier?
#kleptocurrency #griftcoin #ethereum #Cryptocurrency