He’s down with #omm, yeah you know him! #DiaperDon #GrifterTrump #TraitorTrump https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110985791902114335
#omm #diaperdon #griftertrump #traitortrump
You’d think #IvankaTrump and #jaredkushner would have loaned the 🍊🤡 some shekels. . .or he could have asked #MBS
Besides, hasn’t he always claimed he was a great businessman? He just so happened to declare bankruptcy times, plus or minus. . .who can keep track? Hopefully, the #IRS
Trump needed $225 million. A little-known bank came to the rescue. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/27/trump-loans-axos-bank-gregory-garrabrants/
#IvankaTrump #jaredkushner #mbs #irs #griftertrump
Because- of course. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/14/trump-asks-court-to-disqualify-georgia-da-fani-willis-toss-2020-election-report.html #grifterTrump
LOL. Gee, I thought Trump was a billionaire, but I guess he needs all Walmart workers to pitch in their sub-living wages to help him. #GrifterTrump #HeCanPay #FuckTrump
#fucktrump #hecanpay #griftertrump
Trump’s Properties Charged Defense Department $1 Million, New Documents Reveal https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacheverson/2023/06/08/trumps-properties-charged-defense-department-1-million-new-documents-reveal/?sh=110ba8f85901
BREAKING: Valiant exorcism attempt by Iowa preachers has failed. We will have six more weeks of grifting.
#Iowa #griftertrump #ArrestTrumpNOW
https://www.newsweek.com/trump-taunted-mug-shot-mock-that-tells-tall-tale-about-his-height-1792586 #CriminalDefendantTrump Is Taunted For Lying About His Height On Fake Mug Shot T-Shirt
" Trump Long Con " is a $50.00 tee shirt with Trump's photo #MAGAcultExtremists are giving him money they probably need or don't have. Yeah that's right fools send Your money in to a Billionaire ( so He says ) to save America REALLY ! #TrumpLiesAboutEveryhing #GrifterTrump
#criminaldefendanttrump #magacultextremists #trumpliesabouteveryhing #griftertrump
Big shot loser #CriminalDefendantDonaldTrump must answer to the law, just like any one of us has to Now he's ordering the JusticeDept to change venue #TrumpIsaCriminal #LOCKHIMUP #LetHimTalk The people have every right to see a former Presidents accountability for his treason against our #Democracy #FreeThePress #GagOrderTrump #MAGAFascism #GrifterTrump Mussolini is openly threatening the DA & judges families with political violence #TrumpRICCO #TrumpCrimeSyndicate #GOPtraitorsToDemocracy
#democracy #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #criminaldefendantdonaldtrump #trumpisacriminal #lockhimup #lethimtalk #freethepress #gagordertrump #magafascism #griftertrump #trumpricco #trumpcrimesyndicate
Organized crime boss CriminalDefendantDonaldTrump should have to answer to the law like any one of us would. Now he's DEMANDING no cameras in the courtroom #TrumpIsaCriminal #LOCKHIMUP #LetHimTalk American people have a right to see a former Presidents accountability for his treachery against our country #FreeThePress #GagOrderTrump #MAGAFascism #GrifterTrump The mob boss is openly threatening the DA & judges families with political violence #TrumpRICCO #TrumpCrimeSyndicate
#trumpisacriminal #lockhimup #lethimtalk #freethepress #gagordertrump #magafascism #griftertrump #trumpricco #trumpcrimesyndicate
The #ExtremeMAGARepublicans grifting is on..The Missouri senator Josh Hawley’s campaign chimed in, citing the “liberally biased agenda” of the “radical Left” & told his supporters to “Stand with conservatives NOW.” Trump lackey Rep Elise Stefanik of NY, the third-ranking #GOPFascistHouse encouraged people to donate to an “Official Trump Defense Fund https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/03/30/nyregion/trump-indictment-news/after-an-indictment-a-barrage-of-fund-raising-emails?smid=url-share #GrifterTrump #TrumpCrimes #SeditionParty #GOPtraitorsToDemocracy
#extrememagarepublicans #gopfascisthouse #griftertrump #trumpcrimes #seditionparty #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/22/trump-begs-supporters-2024-donations-likely-indictment #TraitorTrump Trump seizes on likely indictment to pass begging bowl for 2024 campaign
urging people to donate to the Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, established to support Trump’s bid for president in 2024.
The emails paint Trump as the victim of a political agenda of a varying cast of “globalist power brokers”, the “deep state” & “witch hunt-crazed radicals” Each ends with a plea for donations the language used changing slightly each time #GrifterTrump
The former Trump confidant broke down the former president's behavior ahead of a possible indictment. "The circus continues.”
“He only profits and does well in chaos and turmoil,” Chris Christie said on ABC’s “This Week.” “And so he wants to create the chaos and turmoil on his terms.”
#ArrestTrumpNow #TrumpCrimes #GrifterTrump #Individual1
#ArrestTrumpNow #trumpcrimes #griftertrump #individual1
https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/03/donald-trump-melania-trump-foreign-gifts/ #GrifterTrump Swords, Coats, a $24,000 Dagger: The Trumps Failed to Report 117 Foreign Gifts
A life-size portrait of the Donald remains unaccounted for.
Presidents or families are not allowed to keep any gifts worth more than $450 Everything has to be reported to the State Department & properly accounted for by the federal government According to Friday’s report internal White House records indicate the #TrumpCrimeFamily failed to report 117 gifts worth at least $291,000
#griftertrump #trumpcrimefamily
https://youtu.be/3fMvD26E3RQ MeidasTouch on the fact that "Patriot mobile" a "non woke" cell phone Company, actually PAYS AT&T, T-Mobile, etc. To use it's infrastructure to provide cell service to MAGA idiots to "own the libs". Yeah You pay those "woke" cell providers, to "own the libs!"🤣🤣🤣 Can't make it up folks!!
https://youtu.be/3fMvD26E3RQ #TrumpCrimeFamily #GrifterTrump #MAGAidiots #TrumpCrimeSyndicate #ArrestTrumpNow #ArrestTrumpCrimeFamily
#trumpcrimefamily #griftertrump #magaidiots #trumpcrimesyndicate #ArrestTrumpNow #arresttrumpcrimefamily
Grifter #TraitorTrump political PAC paid Melania’s hair stylist at least $132K for ‘strategy consulting’: report | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-political-pac-paid-melanias-hair-stylist-least-132k-strategy-consulting #TrumpCrimeFamily #ArrestTrumpNow #GrifterTrump
#TraitorTrump #trumpcrimefamily #ArrestTrumpNow #griftertrump
Source NY Times - Trump had no money, but the rule of president helped him offset losses and alter his taxes.
Seriously though- how many families were destroyed, bankrupt, fined, jailed, homeless - but still not as negative in the hole as #Trump #griftertrump #TaxTheRich
#trump #griftertrump #TaxTheRich