PERPERIKON · @perperikon
258 followers · 938 posts · Server

Sunday as I like it best. Sleeping in late, that is until 7.30, then coffee at a favourite café, a long walk across town to the suburban woods, an easily digestible meal for lunch, the kid busy with cartoons so we could go wild in the bedroom. And then books, Path of The Hawk by Ian Graham; quite a good read although chosen in a completely random way. I'm even thinking whether it's worth doing an campaign in Swords & Wizardry based on the storyline.
I even managed to do some gymnastics to loosen up my muscles before the gym on Tuesday.

#osr #bookstodon #iangraham #pathofthehawk #sunday #book #fantasy #grimfantasy #swordsandwizardry #ttrpg

Last updated 1 year ago

PERPERIKON · @perperikon
152 followers · 237 posts · Server

Sunday spent with dice and corebook. We defeated the army of the undead storming the gates of the Medusa inn, performed the ritual of returning the corpses to the graves, the priest saved the girl with the knight's love, and the knight ran amok through the corridor full of people drunk with hatred, leaving behind silent bodies.


#videogame #dungeon23 #grimfantasy #fantasy #osr #darksouls #swordsandwizardry #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

PERPERIKON · @perperikon
142 followers · 213 posts · Server

the monstrous rain didn't defeat me at the weekend to go to the bookstore on sunday for a notepad for future games. The lovely saleswoman wanted to show me a bit more than meets the eye, but I kindly thanked her for her phone number and headed home because, if you don't know, require total concentration and no distractions!

week 1st, "ancient".

An ancient vivern is sitting above an old, decayed church. Inside we see single, big room with bonfire placed before the statue of nameless, beheaded god. There are naves on both sides of the room and opened corridor leading to some kind of garden.

#dungeoncrawler #dungeonsandragons #games #darksouls #grimfantasy #fantasy #OSE #swordswizardry #osr #dungeon23 #rpg #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

PERPERIKON · @perperikon
137 followers · 208 posts · Server

This is the first challenge I've ever liked. From January to December, every day I will sit down and create one room of a large maze in the Old School Renaissance style. It's time to go back to tabletop RPG games and start absorbing them like a dozen years ago, when they were my whole life.

The idea is simple:
12 Months – Levels
52 Weeks – Themes
365 Days – Rooms

Maybe together with my DM @Lvanderschulz we'll create something bigger! This idea seems very interesting on the field of because we do not use any setting prepared by publisher. We're taking a lot from Dark Souls series and old good heroic fantasy, sword and wizardry.

Ach, Sen's Fortress in , I would like to return, even though just on paper!

#swordsandwizardry #darksouls #grimfantasy #fantasy #ttrpgs #osrs #osr #ttrpg #Lordran #worldbuilding #dungeon23

Last updated 2 years ago

PERPERIKON · @perperikon
133 followers · 193 posts · Server

I will explain git gud with my example. I walked very far by myself until I saw the beautiful city of Anor Londo.
This is a very difficult location, you have to sweat a lot to even get to the boss. They're guarded by a bunch of nasty guys who look like high school bullies, only they have halberds instead of baseball bats, and they can heal themselves.
Behind them is the duo of Ornstein & Smough, Pinky and The Brain, bastards of bastards, if you kill one of them by some miracle, the other's life bar retrieve and it becomes more insistent than a bum begging for a cigarette at the railway station.
I couldn't do it for days. Not even weeks, just months, because for a good two months I was too paralyzed with the thought of going back to Dark Souls. Finally I figured why not?
I hit the gym, that is, I collected some souls to jump from soul level 40 to 50. I went to the Depths to farm the humanities that drop from rats.
I have returned to Anor Londo. Everything was going wrong. Before I summoned Solaire, I lost half my estuses. Solaire hit the arena seriously injured.
But I managed to knock out the smaller boss. The second grew even bigger, killing Solaire. He had half a health bar. Me maybe 20% and zero estus.
And I made it. With a two year old girl on my lap.
I was so happy that I felt tears on my cheeks.
Because something amazing happened - I did something in my mind that I supposedly couldn't do.
And that's why Dark Souls restores self-confidence. That's what git gud is all about. Because life will always be hard, but it will be easier when you stop making yourself a victim and just try to achieve the goal anyway. And if you don't succeed on the first try, keep trying.

#anxiety #gitgud #grimfantasy #darkfantasy #fantasy #rpg #fromsoftware #darksouls

Last updated 2 years ago

PERPERIKON · @perperikon
133 followers · 192 posts · Server

Dark Souls tests not so much your skills, but the limits of your patience and character. It's easy to break down, rage quit, and say you'll never be into masochistic tendency again.
Dark Souls easily verifies psychological behavior which is usually called "apparent actions", "fake actions". A person sets a goal, then on the first failure (or the second, if anyone is watching) he says to himself "fuck, I said it wouldn't work and it didn't work, I was right". Marked and checked off, you can go back to your sucker routine.
Dark Souls points out that either you will always be a lifeless loser who needs a "trigger warning" before picture of a schnitzel with potatoes, cross the street when a girl walks (so as not to scare her with your presence) and you will always make yourself a victim by screaming that you should always be in easy mode, in life and in games, or you will understand that the world doesn't care about you and to achieve something, you have to try hard. That's what git gud is all about.

#anxiety #gitgud #grimfantasy #darkfantasy #fantasy #rpg #fromsoftware #darksouls

Last updated 2 years ago

Darius Anton Morpork 🍵 · @morpork
5 followers · 18 posts · Server


Właśnie odebrałem z paczkomatu świeżutką erpegową premierę - Cień Władcy Demonów ! Nie mogę się doczekać aż przeczytam to od deski do deski i zacznę śnić plany prowadzenia jakiejś sesji 😄

Tytuł przykuł moją uwagę głównie jako potencjalne narzędzie do pogodzenia gustów moich znajomych. Jedni preferują D&D a inni Warhammera . Ja tego drugiego ale wtedy lubię trzymać się settingu - co przytłacza niektórych niestety. Tylko w D&D sobie pozwalałem na kreowanie świata ale z kolei nie jestem fanem tej mechaniki do końca . Schwalb w sumie współtworzył oba tytuły i oprócz tego całkiem przyzwoity Song Of Ice & Fire. Po przeczytanie zapowiedzi i obejrzeniu zagranicznego poderka w pdf poczułem się mocno przekonany 😁


#d #warhammer #grimfantasy #darkfantasy #GraFabularna #roleplayinggame #rpg #robertjschwalb #schwalb #shadowofthedemonlord #cienwladcydemonow

Last updated 2 years ago