Folklore read live!
On a dock, hull aflame,
sits a galleon due for hell.
On the shore, cruel lords
Cower from its departing knell.
Hear a vengeful folklore classic tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #german #devil #hell #karma
#karma #hell #devil #German #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
Could you get a band of robbers to till your fields for free?
Come hear of the Wise Woman that did tonight LIVE right NOW:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #norwegian #women #reginne #norman #ringelihorn
#ringelihorn #norman #reginne #women #norwegian #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
Why does the Celtic Cinderella tale feature a hungry whale?
Find out LIVE right NOW:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #celtic #irish #scottish #welsh #cornish #cinderella
#cinderella #cornish #welsh #scottish #irish #celtic #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
A sailor eats himself into a food coma that leaves him abandoned on a deserted isle...or is it?
Hear the an epic tale of love, trickery, & courage @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #norwegian #love #lovestory #romance
#romance #lovestory #love #norwegian #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
Sometimes the devil is called by the desperate for unholy power!!
(But, other times, it's a few drunk dudes doing it because they're bored...)
Folklore about Slovenly Twits tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #reading #vancouver #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #german #devil #demon #summoning #ritual #magic #blackmagic
#blackmagic #magic #ritual #summoning #demon #devil #German #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #vancouver #Reading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
The Capulets and the Montagues have nothing on these tragic folktales!
Hear them tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #german #romance #shakespeare #tragedy
#tragedy #shakespeare #romance #German #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
In these strange Nordic tales:
- the elderly are burned in forges,
- cops are dragged to hell, and
- Jesus tears legs off a horse.
Hear the tales LIVE tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #nordic #norwegian #Asbjørnsen #Moe #Normann #Regine #Devil #Demon
#demon #devil #Regine #Normann #moe #asbjornsen #norwegian #nordic #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
In this tales, the Fae grant wishes for adventure by forcing people into felony kidnapping.
Hear the stories tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #celtic #irish #ireland #fae #fairy
#fae #Ireland #irish #celtic #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
In this odd tale, a great Christian Cathedral is built by the DEVIL at the behest of the town.
Find out why LIVE right NOW:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #german #devil #faustian #demon
#demon #Faustian #devil #German #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
Three stories about the inscrutable desires of ghosts in old Irish folklore.
Hear them LIVE right NOW:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #irish #ireland #yeats #ghosts #spirits
#spirits #ghosts #Yeats #Ireland #irish #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
The devil is a handsome but terrible creature with a great talent for woo. These poor maidens never stood a chance.
Hear the tales LIVE tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #german #devil #maidens #marriage
#marriage #maidens #devil #German #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
Want to hear a tale of a giant—wearing nothing but goatskin—crushing the head of the very devil himself!?
Catch it LIVE right NOW:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #ireland #celtic #devil #giants
#giants #devil #celtic #Ireland #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
Why would you order a French cat before viewing an asteroid?
Find out tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #ireland #celtic #german #cat #kitten #cats #kittens
#kittens #Cats #kitten #Cat #German #celtic #Ireland #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
Why would you need to order a French cat before an asteroid viewing?
Find out LIVE right NOW:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #ireland #celtic #german #cat #kitten #cats #kittens
#kittens #Cats #kitten #Cat #German #celtic #Ireland #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore Read Live!
What happens when a giant drops its spectacles?
Find out tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #ireland #giants #ymir #yeats
#Yeats #ymir #giants #Ireland #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore Read Live!
What happens when a giant drops its spectacles?
Find out tonight LIVE right NOW:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #ireland #giants #ymir #yeats
#Yeats #ymir #giants #Ireland #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
How far would you go to eat a sentient bread?
Find out the lengths the Scots went LIVE right NOW:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #scotland #shrek #scottish
#scottish #shrek #scotland #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
That iconic sorcerer's battle in "Sword in the Stone"?
This is where they got it.
Hear the tale LIVE right NOW:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #German #grimms #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #disney #norwegian #swordinthestone
#swordinthestone #norwegian #Disney #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #grimms #German #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
Wretched Faustian bargains were a staple of German lore long before Goethe.
Hear those foul tales tonight @ 6:30 pm PST/9:30 pm EST:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #German #grimms #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #faust #faustian
#Faustian #faust #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #grimms #German #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
In this New York version of "Beauty & the Beast", the wolf beats the heck out of the witch that cursed him!
Click to watch it NOW:
#FairyTaleTuesday #WritingCommunity #storyteller #FairyTale #AmReading #reading #vancouver #indieWriter #fairy #folklore #folk #tales #stories #German #grimms #GrimmBrothers #dnd #dnd5e #pathfinder #pf2e #ttrpg #fantasy #lotr #America #American #USA #NewYork #colonialhistory
#colonialhistory #NewYork #USA #american #america #lotr #Fantasy #ttrpg #PF2e #pathfinder #dnd5e #DND #grimmbrothers #grimms #German #Stories #tales #folk #folklore #fairy #indiewriter #vancouver #Reading #amreading #fairytale #storyteller #writingcommunity #FairyTaleTuesday