@pwaring That's cool. I just hate the overused motivational expressions that come through. I can see LinkedIn working well for the small business operator but I can do without the #grindculture evangelism.
I know I mentioned this #streaming #TV show a couple of weeks ago, but #KillingIt on #Peacock is not only hilarious with spot on acting, but a scathing AF look at #grindculture mentality and #sellingout... Its a lot deeper and better than I expected..
#streaming #tv #killingit #peacock #grindculture #sellingout
In case you #fediverse peoples haven't noticed, the #middleclass is no more. You got the working class, the petit bourgeois at the lower end of the upper class, and then the rest of the monied. Everyone else is struggling under the fucking #grindculture.
I've got to get a second job while trying to take this free online class in web development. The next 8-12 months are going to be brutal. This would have been far more feasible if I were 22 years younger. All this so maybe I can earn more.
#fediverse #middleclass #grindculture
I so hate #grindculture but I am going to have grind out some time learning. With thanks to @devxvda I have new learning path to travel down - DevOps.
Very well defined article! I'm a little late to the party but I have worked to unbrand at least my interactions online.. haven't used Facebook in years, but no more Twitter/Instagram BS for me...
That said, I think it even extends a bit deeper at least in my case, but that's a huge discussion including the myth of #grindculture and the disappearance of the middle-class thanks to corporate greed, so we'll shelf that for now.. 😁
Honestly wondering how collective mutual aid, even very small scale, can reliably happen while we are all so busy trying to patch leaks, cheerfully ignore changes and gaps, do more with less, and generally spending our free time trying to keep failing systems going
#MutualAid #Community #Wasting #SystemFailure #GrindCulture #UnitarianUniversalist
#mutualaid #community #wasting #systemfailure #grindculture #unitarianuniversalist