The Looming Digital Meltdown
by Zeynep Tufekci, January 2018
"We have built the digital world too rapidly. It was constructed layer upon layer, and many of the early layers were never meant to guard so many valuable things: our personal correspondence, our finances, the very infrastructure of our lives. Design shortcuts and other techniques for optimization — in particular, sacrificing security for speed or memory space — may have made sense when computers played a relatively small role in our lives. But those early layers are now emerging as enormous liabilities. The vulnerabilities announced last week have been around for decades, perhaps lurking unnoticed by anyone or perhaps long exploited."
#InfoSec #CyberWar #CyberAttack #Cyber #GrindingHalt #Luddite #PaperTrail
#infosec #cyberwar #cyberattack #cyber #grindinghalt #luddite #papertrail
A Catastrophic Mutating [Cyber] Event Will Strike the World in 2 Years, Report Says
by Tim Newcomb, February 9, 2023
"'The most striking finding that we’ve found,' WEF managing director Jeremy Jurgens said during a presentation highlighting the WEF Global Security Outlook Report 2023, 'is that 93% of cyber leaders, and 86% of cyber business leaders, believe that the #geopolitical instability makes a catastrophic #cyber event likely in the next two years. This far exceeds anything that we’ve seen in previous surveys.'
"Add in the extreme unpredictability of these events—Jurgens cited a #cyberattack recently aimed at shutting down Ukranian military abilities that unexpectedly also closed off parts of electricity production across Europe—and the global challenges are only growing."
#InfoSec #GrindingHalt #Luddite
#geopolitical #cyber #cyberattack #infosec #grindinghalt #luddite
The Cure - Grinding halt
(Peel Sessions, May, 1979)
#TheCure #PostPunk #JohnPeel #PeelSessions #GrindingHalt #DesperateJournalist
#desperatejournalist #thecure #postpunk #johnpeel #PeelSessions #grindinghalt