Damnit! Unwillingly I am being dragged kicking and screaming into #grind culture; looks like that's the new fucking norm now. In between working 2 jobs and taking a web dev class, I've now been thrust into standing up an e-commerce website for my brother that must scale. I need 7-8 hours of sleep and I'm not a 20 year old healthy man anymore. The new norm is #grindordie.
@Highlandista Brewed pour-over or GTFO!
David Lynch is famous for saying "Bad coffee is better than no coffee." I say it depends on your definition of "coffee"...
Pod != Coffee
#GrindOrDie #Coffee #Artisinal #Bespoke #DIY #DontBeALazyBum #HandCrankedBurrGrinder
#grindordie #coffee #artisinal #bespoke #diy #dontbealazybum #handcrankedburrgrinder