Most annoying human trait on social media (well, real life): people who won't correct or change a post/statement which is demonstrably incorrect/misleading, solely because they refuse to ever admit to being wrong. #gripe
#PsychicDrool | This is my critique of the #StarTrek #DeepSpaceNine episode Children of Time.
According to Wikipedia it's a popular episode. But for me it did not work well.
GrI;PE – Great Idea; Poor Execution
#tv #ds9 #gripe #deepspacenine #StarTrek #psychicdrool
Luchando contra los mocos, que manera de terminar el Viernes. 🤒❄️
#resfriado #viernes #gripe #frio
"Confusão entre gripe e resfriado pode atrapalhar vacinação contra influenza"
#Vacina #Gripe #Saúde
#Mexico, El Servicio Nacional de Calidad y Salud Animal (SENACSA) confirmó la existencia de #gripe #aviar en el #Chaco, uno de los focos se detectó en la zona urbana de Mariscal Estigarribia y, el otro, en un establecimiento ganadero ubicado a 16 kilómetros al sur de Neuland.
People looking for another shiny new thing in social platforms keep forgetting, it's your network, NOT the shiny baubles, which count. And I don't get why everyone is so eager to jump on to (yet another) privately owned platform, where some tech entrepreneur/investors want to own your data. #gripe
If I could change anything about music audio publishing it would be a default normalization of ALL TRACK to .85 Db before burning. Listing to a playlist of U2 from War onward and I have to keep adjusting the volume! Yes, I know about replaygain. But dammit all, why should *WE* have to run replaygain on all our digitized tracks. THEY should do this for the music they produce. #music #gripe
Shell gripe: Mac OS's zsh "history" built-in gives you only the last 16 commands you typed. bash's "history" gives you the full $HISTSIZE (typically 1000, less one) lines.
As someone who makes heavy use of "history | grep <<thing I'm trying to remember>>", zsh makes me feel stupid.
fc -l "-${HISTSIZE}" -1
seems to do the right thing. I feel an alias coming on, no matter how deprecated I'm told they are
#history #bash #zsh #gripe #shell
Vale me he resfriado, 38º de fiebre, quedan pausados los canales twitch/yt hasta que el antivirus/ibuprofeno-sama me haga efecto
Otakubinary Antivirus software v.0.1.alpha 1% completado.... Sistema de recuperación iniciado. Copying backup...
#vtuber #otakubinary #fiebre #gripe
#Chile: Confirman primer caso de #gripe #aviar #H5N1 en un #hombre de 53 años,,desde%20aves%20o%20mam%C3%ADferos%20marinos%20al%20ser%20humano.
#chile #gripe #aviar #h5n1 #hombre
I must be in a #gripe mood today, LOL. Gripes for today: Mapping apps automatically defaulting my searches for stores in another neighborhood to MY neighborhood. No, I am specifically looking for stores in ANOTHER CITY, stop giving me stuff near ME. Also, stop spell checking my searches, it's not a typo, it's an actual word I am looking for. Just because I speak English it doesn't mean I can't search for German words!
¿Limpiarán los países el aire interior?
Oct 2022: California en EEUU aprobó ley que requiere que los edificios escolares proporcionen aire interior limpio.
Dic 2022: EEUU anunció que todos los edificios federales, cumplirán con los requisitos mínimos de seguridad del aire.
Jul 2022: Nueva ley en Bélgica requiere que lugares públicos cumplan con estándares de calidad de aire y muestren concentración de dióxido de carbono.
#COVID19 #Gripe
I know I'm not supposed to ignore the PR advice of experts, but I'm already pretty tired of doing all the marketing that comes with being a solo indie with low-to-no budget, and we're not even a week away from release yet.
I'd really love to just focus on every task other than marketing, but I don't want to give up on it and equally don't want to outsource and let anyone else handle it.
It's just tiring and I regret not connecting with people more on socials and IRL in previous years. #gripe
Sigh. Gardeners leaf blowing the neighbor's spotless backyard (for no reason... nothing to leaf blow), because if they don't look like they are busy, they won't get paid. Nothing like burning fossil fuels for appearances. #gripe
Suspende #Argentina exportaciones de carne aviar por caso de #gripe
La suspensión de las exportaciones responde a las exigencias de la normativa internacional, dijo el secretario de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca.
La semana pasada estuve malo de la garganta tomando antibióticos... Y desde ayer vuelvo a estar enfermo, esta vez mocos, dolor de cabeza y cansancio. Y han dicho que hay un niño en la clase de mi peque con #gripe B, así que ya me lo estoy figurando, vaya dos semanas llevo 😔
Se encienden las #alarmas en #Latinoamérica por el avance de la #gripe #aviar
#alarmas #latinoamerica #gripe #aviar