Un libro: I ragazzi di Biloxi
"Grisham si conferma il re del legal thriller, anche se in questo suo ultimo lavoro l’impressione che si sia creata una piccola crepa, nel suo rodato meccanismo perfetto, più che un dubbio è una certezza.
Gran bel romanzo, storia particolare e avvincente, ma bisogna aspettare molto, forse troppo, prima di arrivare alla parte “thriller”, che si espande a partire dalla metà del libro"
➡️ https://www.milanonera.com/i-ragazzi-di-biloxi-john-grisham/
#mastolibri #thriller #gialli #grisham
New Mexico Gov. advances legislation ensuring right to abortion is 'constitutionally protected'
HuffPost reports:
New Mexico has one of the country's most liberal abortion access laws, but two counties and three cities in eastern New Mexico have recently adopted abortion restrictions that reflect deep-seated opposition to offering the procedure.
The bill signed by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham overrides those local ordinances.
#abortionrights #womensrights #Grisham
#abortionrights #womensrights #grisham
Ex-Trump #WhiteHouse #PressSecretary Makes Revealing Claim On Work With Fox News
Stephanie #Grisham said she "would get a talking to" for not speaking with Fox News stars ahead of Trump. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-press-secretary-stephanie-grisham-fox-news_n_640d9cd6e4b0d492c5687ff6
#whitehouse #presssecretary #grisham
Non il miglior #Grisham per questo #romanzo I ragazzi di Biloxi, un po' scontato e già letto, ma per i veri appassionati un titolo da #leggere.
La trama racconta le vicende di due amici d'infanzia in una città corrotta dal gioco d'azzardo e prostituzione. https://www.chiscrive.eu/i-ragazzi-di-biloxi/
Book Review: Skipping Christmas by John Grisham
#ReadingCommunity #Reading #ReaderCommunity #Book #Books #BookReview #Review #Christmas #Festive #Grisham #ChristmasBook #FestiveBooks #Winter
#readingcommunity #reading #readercommunity #book #books #bookreview #review #christmas #festive #grisham #ChristmasBook #festivebooks #winter
What are people's favourite Christmas books?
#books #booksodon #christmas22 #traditions #dickens #tolkien #grisham #pratchett #hogfather
#books #booksodon #christmas22 #traditions #dickens #tolkien #grisham #pratchett #hogfather
I have enjoyed both Camino Island and Camino Winds recently. It is a good series. I hope #grisham has a sequel in the works.
`Gli avversari` - di John Grisham - Articolo21 #avversari #john #grisham #articolo21 #3luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXJ0aWNvbG8yMS5vcmcvMjAyMi8wNy9nbGktYXZ2ZXJzYXJpLWRpLWpvaG4tZ3Jpc2hhbS8=
#3luglio #Articolo21 #grisham #john #avversari
Letzte Nacht das neueste #Grisham Buch angefangen. Ich mag noch alle seine Bücher. Ist für mich 1-2mal im Jahr immer wie ein kleines Weihnachten 😻
#Grisham #DasManuskript