PitchShifter - Gritter
A good way to start the new year is to check the Scotland gritter tracker map.
Do you have a favorite gritter?
#scotland #gritter #grittertracker
Scotland Gritter Names - Here Are The Hilarious Names Of Scotland's Gritters And How To Track Them - From Sled Zeppelin To Basil Salty
https://www.scotsman.com/news/weather/scotland-gritter-names-here-are-the-hilarious-names-of-scotlands-gritters-and-how-to-track-them-from-sled-zeppelin-to-basil-salty-3946388 <-- news article
https://scotgov.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=2de764a9303848ffb9a4cac0bd0b1aab <-- web map
Some of Scotland's gritter truck names – 2022 [say in your best Scottish accent!]: Rumble | Mr Plow | The Ice Destroyer | Gritallica | The Snowclaimers | Salty | Grit A Bit | My Name’5 Doddie | I Want to Break Freeze | Mega Melter | I’m Shovelin’ | Always Be Grit-full | Scotland’s Bravest Gritter | Blizzard BEAR | Basil Salty | Polar Patroller | Snow Dozer | Licence to Chill | Sir Salter Scott | Snow Connery | Nitty Gritty | Grit-Tok | The Incredible Ice BEAR | Walter The Salter | BFG – Big Friendly Gritter | BEAR-illiant | BRINE FREEEEZE | Mrs McGritter | Polar BEAR Express
#GIS #spatial #mapping #webmap #tracker #opendata #Scotland #gritter #trucks #names #snow #ice #transportation #maintainence #snowplow #snowplough #winter #wintersafety
#gis #spatial #mapping #webmap #tracker #opendata #scotland #gritter #trucks #names #snow #ice #transportation #maintainence #snowplow #snowplough #winter #wintersafety