Djurs Dub Fest
Make it a date an don't be late: A rare chance to get a full sound system experience in Denmark 💥
& a chance to catch one of the brightest new stars on the reggaescene: Joe Yorke!
You will also have a chance to experience the biggest meeting of live dubmixers ever in Denmark with Doktor Lond, Dub Manza & Svend Irie. ❤️💛💚
#grobund #djursland #dub #dukop #danskertrut
DJURS DUB FEST - calling all danish dubheads! Don't miss this one days festival! 3 Sound Systems in place #Denmark #Djursland #Djurs #Ebeltoft #Grobund #Dub #RootsAndCulture #SoundSystem #Festival #LiveDubMixing
#denmark #djursland #djurs #ebeltoft #grobund #dub #rootsandculture #soundsystem #festival #livedubmixing