The 3rd woman told me, “When you’ve been around as long as I have, you get used to it.” I told her, “You deserve to be able to go to a show without being harassed. I should’ve helped you. I should’ve been an ally. I’m sorry I wasn’t. But if I see this happen in the future, I will be.” So I’m reviewing my #GrooveSafe bystander deescalation training, because inaction is action and I don’t intend to let down my community the next time this happens.
friendly remember that the right that allows you to do or put whatever or whoever you want into your own body is the same right that requires consent of others to do anything to theirs 🌵💚
#consent #LGBTQIA #TransRights #NaturalMedicine #PsychedelicMedicine #SelfDetermination #LoveIsLove #MyBodyMyChoice #GrooveSafe #SexRights #DanceRights
#consent #lgbtqia #transrights #naturalmedicine #psychedelicmedicine #selfdetermination #LoveIsLove #MyBodyMyChoice #groovesafe #sexrights #dancerights