#grossberg #book at Rodney’s Used Books
@DrYohanJohn worth getting this one from 1988?
Abby #Grossberg worked in powerful position at #FoxNews keeping a blind eye to tsunami of hate it is spreading daily.
Whilst at #Fox, she carried water for her tribe.
#israel #fox #foxnews #grossberg
Oh dear.
Looks like Tucker supported more shenanigans surrounding Jan 6 than some of us might've thought...
If this is true -- and I have every reason to believe #AbbyGrossberg -- #TuckerCarlson may be under federal investigation. Attempting to frame the FBI is... well, I don't know what it is. But it can't be a nothing burger.
Tucker is probably in deep trouble 📌
Source link: https://www.rawstory.com/fox-news-abby-grossberg-interview/
#grossberg #tuckercarlson #abbygrossberg
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Fox News Fires Producer Who Called Out Their 'Vile, Sexist' Work Environment https://jezebel.com/fox-news-fires-producer-who-called-out-their-vile-sexi-1850269049 #Jezebel #conservatismintheunitedstates #mediaintheunitedstates #parisisgfilippatos #americanwriters #mariabartiromo #tuckercarlson #abbygrossberg #law2ccrime #grossberg #foxnews #carlson
#jezebel #conservatismintheunitedstates #mediaintheunitedstates #parisisgfilippatos #americanwriters #mariabartiromo #tuckercarlson #abbygrossberg #law2ccrime #grossberg #foxnews #carlson
@albertcardona @NicoleCRust @complexsystems @cogneurophys @PessoaBrain @SussilloDavid @carlosbrody @Neurograce @neuralreckoning @tyrell_turing @DrYohanJohn @cian @WiringtheBrain @tdverstynen @neuralengine
I'll just tag this for later when I've had a chance to collect my thoughts.
#WinnerTakeAll #Grossberg #CompetitionCooperation
#McClelland #Rumelhart #ParallelDistributedProcessing
#CactusLanguage #LogicalGraphs #MinimalNegationOperators
#MinimalNegationOperators #LogicalGraphs #CactusLanguage #paralleldistributedprocessing #Rumelhart #McClelland #competitioncooperation #grossberg #winnertakeall
#ThemeOneProgram • #JetsAndSharks 1.3
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/08/25/theme-one-program-jets-and-sharks-1/
The manner of representation may be illustrated by transcribing a well-known example from the #ParallelDistributedProcessing literature (#McClelland and #Rumelhart 1988) and working through a couple of the associated exercises as translated into #LogicalGraphs.
#Logic #Peirce #Semiotics #Semiosis
#Grossberg #CompetitionCooperation
#GraphTheory #ModelTheory #ProofTheory
#LogicalCacti #MinimalNegationOperators
#MinimalNegationOperators #logicalcacti #ProofTheory #modeltheory #graphtheory #competitioncooperation #grossberg #Semiosis #semiotics #Peirce #logic #LogicalGraphs #Rumelhart #McClelland #paralleldistributedprocessing #JetsAndSharks #ThemeOneProgram
#ThemeOneProgram • #JetsAndSharks 1.2
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/08/25/theme-one-program-jets-and-sharks-1/
One way to do this is to interpret the blank or #UnmarkedState as the #RestingState of a #NeuralPool, the bound or #MarkedState as its #ActivatedState, and to represent a mutually inhibitory pool of #Neurons \(a,b,c\) by the proposition \(\texttt{(}a\texttt{,}b\texttt{,}c\texttt{)}.\)
#Logic #LogicalGraphs #Peirce
#Grossberg #McClelland #Rumelhart
#GraphTheory #ModelTheory #ProofTheory
#LogicalCacti #MinimalNegationOperators
#MinimalNegationOperators #logicalcacti #ProofTheory #modeltheory #graphtheory #Rumelhart #McClelland #grossberg #Peirce #LogicalGraphs #logic #neurons #activatedstate #markedstate #neuralpool #restingstate #unmarkedstate #JetsAndSharks #ThemeOneProgram
#ThemeOneProgram • #JetsAndSharks 1.1
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/08/25/theme-one-program-jets-and-sharks-1/
Example 5. Jets and Sharks
The #PropositionalCalculus based on #MinimalNegationOperators can be interpreted in a way resembling the logic of #ActivationStates and #CompetitionConstraints in one class of #NeuralNetwork models.
#Logic #LogicalGraphs
#Peirce #Semiotics #Semiosis
#Grossberg #McClelland #Rumelhart
#ParallelDistributedProcessing #PDP
#GraphTheory #ModelTheory #ProofTheory
#ProofTheory #modeltheory #graphtheory #pdp #paralleldistributedprocessing #Rumelhart #McClelland #grossberg #Semiosis #semiotics #Peirce #LogicalGraphs #logic #neuralnetwork #competitionconstraints #activationstates #MinimalNegationOperators #PropositionalCalculus #JetsAndSharks #ThemeOneProgram