Priorities of #Bipartisan #CarbonBombs: "#Subsidies for #oil, #coal and natural #gas are costing the equivalent of 7.1% of global #grossdomesticproduct," the IMF said. "That's more than #governments spend annually on #education (4.3% of global income) and about two thirds of what they spend on #healthcare (10.9%)."
#BiPartisan #CarbonBombs #subsidies #oil #coal #gas #grossdomesticproduct #governments #education #healthcare #acceleratingkeelingcurve
Staggering #3D scan of the #Titanic shows the #Wreck down to the millimeter : Pop Sci
The #AI #Apocalypse: A #Scorecard : IEEE
Valuing What Counts: #Framework to #Progress Beyond #GrossDomesticProduct : Misc
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#knowledgelinks #grossdomesticproduct #progress #framework #scorecard #apocalypse #AI #wreck #titanic #3d
BRICS Emerges as the World’s Largest GDP Bloc, Propelled by China’s Rapid Expansion - BRICS, a set of countries grouped as an alternative to the G7, is now the world’s ... - #acornmacroconsulting #grossdomesticproduct #anilsooklal #southafrica #newmembers #economics #expansion #germany #brazil #canada #france #russia #brics #china #egypt #india #italy #japan #putin #u.k. #u.s.
#u #putin #japan #italy #india #egypt #china #brics #russia #france #canada #brazil #germany #expansion #economics #newmembers #southafrica #anilsooklal #grossdomesticproduct #acornmacroconsulting
"Gross Domestic Product by State and Personal Income by State, 2nd Quarter 2022"
#GrossDomesticProduct #BureauofEconomicAnalysis #Data #Statistics
#statistics #Data #BureauofEconomicAnalysis #grossdomesticproduct
Russia’s GDP Decline Less Severe Than Expected, Wall Street Returns to Russian Bonds, Putin Criticizes US ‘Hegemony’
#grossdomesticproduct #FinancialSanctions #JeffreySonnenfeld #RussianFederation #SanctionedCountry #Westerncountries #budgetcommittee #MatthewC.Klein #VladimirPutin #BankofRussia #BRICSNations #RussianBonds #TheOvershoot #UnitedStates
#grossdomesticproduct #FinancialSanctions #JeffreySonnenfeld #RussianFederation #SanctionedCountry #Westerncountries #budgetcommittee #MatthewC #VladimirPutin #BankofRussia #BRICSNations #RussianBonds #TheOvershoot #unitedstates
Despite the White House Debate, Critics Insist US Officially in a Recession After 2 Consecutive Quarters of Negative GDP Growth
#BureauofEconomicAnalysis #grossdomesticproduct #USFederalReserve #taminginflation #FederalReserve #NorthmanTrader #BenchmarkRate #USCentralBank #hotinflation #JanetYellen #PaulKrugman #Economics #economics #BEA
#BureauofEconomicAnalysis #grossdomesticproduct #USFederalReserve #taminginflation #federalreserve #NorthmanTrader #BenchmarkRate #USCentralBank #hotinflation #JanetYellen #PaulKrugman #economics #BEA