Canaan to Debut ‘Groundbreaking’ Bitcoin Mining Product at 10th-Anniversary Singapore Event - Shortly after Bitmain announced its intention to launch a new bitcoin mining rig a... - #canaanavalonminer #10th-anniversary #cryptocurrency #groundbreaking #announcement #canaanminer #innovation #revolution #miningrig #singapore #industry #bigwigs #bitcoin #product #mining #avalon
#avalon #mining #product #bitcoin #bigwigs #industry #singapore #miningrig #revolution #innovation #canaanminer #announcement #groundbreaking #cryptocurrency #10th #canaanavalonminer
Gizmodo: Hollywood's 'Groundbreaking' AI Proposal for Actors Sounds Like a Nightmare #allianceofmotionpictureandtelevisionproducers #200708writersguildofamericastrike #videogamevoiceactorstrike #entertainmentculture #screenactorsguild #groundbreaking #duncancrabtree #humaninterest #sagaftra #aflcio #acting #extra #sag
#allianceofmotionpictureandtelevisionproducers #200708writersguildofamericastrike #videogamevoiceactorstrike #entertainmentculture #screenactorsguild #groundbreaking #duncancrabtree #humaninterest #sagaftra #aflcio #acting #extra #sag
#Nuchatlaht #FirstNation recently received #SupremeCourt ruling in their #groundbreaking title case. They won on many elements yet haven't gained full title to their land.
Join the conversation to learn details of ruling & what it means going forward & how you can help.
Speakers: Nuchatlaht’s Ha’with (Chief) Jordan Michael, Nuchatlaht House Speaker Archie Little, Nuchatlaht council member Mellissa Jack & lawyer, Jack Woodward.
#nuchatlaht #firstnation #supremecourt #groundbreaking #Landback #bcpoli #canpoli #indigenous
@w This Is #Groundbreaking: Use this HelloGPT app to get ChatGPT to print out "Hello World!" On Your Phone
This #InternationalDayForTheEliminationOfRacialDiscrimination - #BlackLifeImpactFoundation revealed the major components & partners of its #GroundBreaking #education & #impact campaign. The #campaign is designed to deepen #public #understanding of #Canada ’s #Black #history and is a companion to the #CBC #documentary series #BlackLife : #UntoldStories
#BlackCanadian #BIPOC #RacialEmpowerment #HumanRights #Equality #Equity #BlackCommunity #EndRacialDiscrimination
#InternationalDayForTheEliminationOfRacialDiscrimination #blacklifeimpactfoundation #groundbreaking #education #impact #campaign #public #understanding #canada #black #history #cbc #documentary #BlackLife #UntoldStories #blackcanadian #bipoc #racialempowerment #humanrights #equality #equity #blackcommunity #endracialdiscrimination
'A #groundbreaking #ceremony was held in #HarrisonMills for the planned #Stsailes #CommunityCare Campus, which will be owned and operated by the Sts’ailes #FirstNation .
Clinic director Angela George says the facility is an #opportunity to #restore #Indigenous ways around #health and #wellness while #weaving it together with the best of today’s #medicines .'
#CulturallyAppropriate #NativeHealth #MedicalCare #IndigenousHealthcare #Agassiz #FraserValley #BritishColumbia
#groundbreaking #ceremony #harrisonmills #stsailes #communitycare #firstnation #opportunity #restore #indigenous #health #wellness #weaving #medicines #culturallyappropriate #nativehealth #medicalcare #indigenoushealthcare #agassiz #FraserValley #britishcolumbia
Just learned that in Pathfinder "Attack of Opportunity" is a feat, that only certain classes have access to!!?
Never even occurred to me to drop that in DnD even though its a shit rule that creates really boring static combat - but im going to give it a go in this interval period (learning new game system, sorting out a new digital tabletop, finding players etc)
Also super excited to experiment with all the different weapons that actually have different properties!! #groundbreaking
#Groundbreaking #blackactors for #BlackHistoryMonth ! Today on #mymoviehousemyrules on #SoundCloud
#SoundCloud #mymoviehousemyrules #BlackHistoryMonth #blackactors #groundbreaking
#OpenEarable is an open #hardware platform for #earable #reasearch. The #sensors inside the #earbuds developed at #KIT by the #TECO research group enable #groundbreaking applications ranging from #health #tracking to #human-computer-interaction".
#human #tracking #health #groundbreaking #teco #kit #earbuds #sensors #reasearch #earable #hardware #openearable
Happy Birthday to #Shangela, and congratulations to her and her dance partner #GlebSavchenko (as Natasha) on their #GroundBreaking #Freestyle #dance routine on #DancingWithTheStars, featuring #EurekaOHara and #LangangaEstranga
They broke the Mirror Ball and scored tens across the board!
#DragQueens #Transgender
#shangela #glebsavchenko #groundbreaking #freestyle #dancingwiththestars #eurekaohara #langangaestranga #dance #dragqueens #transgender
Happy Birthday to #Shangela, and congratulations to her and her dance partner #GlebSavchenko on their #GroundBreaking #Freestyle dance routine on #DancingWithTheStars, featuring #EurekaOHara and #LangangaEstranga
They broke the Mirror Ball and scored tens across the board!
#shangela #glebsavchenko #groundbreaking #freestyle #dancingwiththestars #eurekaohara #langangaestranga
Happy Birthday to #Shangela, and congratulations to her and her dance partner #GlebSavchenko on their #GroundBreaking #Freestyle dance routine on #DancingWithTheStars, featuring #EurekaOHara and #LangangaEstranga
They broke the Mirror Ball and scored tens across the board!
#shangela #glebsavchenko #groundbreaking #freestyle #dancingwiththestars #eurekaohara #langangaestranga
Wearing leather to school! #groundbreaking #gear365 #gayleather #gayleatherman
#groundbreaking #gear365 #gayleather #gayleatherman
A ver se aqui é mais tranquilo que ali ao lado já estou a ser inundado de respostas agressivas (das que ainda não dei mute) :birdsite:
*Aclara a voz*
A Joana Marques a fazer de alvo adolescentes da Escola António Arroio e da Faculdade de Letras #groundbreaking
A ver se aqui é mais tranquilo que ali ao lado já estou a ser inundado de respostas agressivas (das que ainda não dei mute) :birdsite:
*Aclara a voz*
A Joana Marques a fazer de alvo adolescentes da Escola António Arroio e da Faculdade de Letras #groundbreaking
Applied Blockchain Changes Name, Enters Purchase Agreement for Land in North Dakota
#BitcoinMiningExpansion #bitcoinminingoperation #GenesisDigitalAssets #NorthDakotabitcoin #AppliedBlockchain #AppliedDigital #Groundbreaking #BitcoinMiners #Bitcoinmining #cryptominers #NorthDakota #Cleanspark #Expansions #BTCMining #Marathon #NewSite #Mining #mining #2022 #q3
#BitcoinMiningExpansion #bitcoinminingoperation #GenesisDigitalAssets #NorthDakotabitcoin #AppliedBlockchain #AppliedDigital #groundbreaking #BitcoinMiners #bitcoinmining #cryptominers #northdakota #CleanSpark #Expansions #BTCMining #Marathon #NewSite #mining #q3
Going to #grind out some #groundbreaking #music to #test the #code on my #sequencer #product
#product #sequencer #code #test #music #groundbreaking #grind
Going to #grind out some #groundbreaking #music to #test the #code on my #sequencer #product
#product #sequencer #code #test #music #groundbreaking #grind
#BIG_OIL & #OBESITY Related?? #Celebrity_Guinea_Pigs | What Does 21 #Days of #Nothing but #Junk_Food Do to these #Celebrities? | Only Human | Celebrity guinea pigs undergo an Extreme #JUNK_FOOD eating regime in a #groundbreaking experiment.
..Bravely given their bodies over to science to take part in an #overfeeding study used by #scientists to understand exactly how food can #affect our #bodies.
Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) a...
#bodies #affect #scientists #overfeeding #groundbreaking #celebrities #junk_food #nothing #days #Celebrity_Guinea_Pigs #obesity #big_oil