#ALUNA #GROUNDCONTROL Envie de danser ? Parfait ! Aluna monte le son pour faire se déhancher le public de Ground Control. Au programme : les sons hyper catchy de MYCELiUM, son deuxième album. Si le nom « Aluna » vous dit quelque chose c’est parce qu’Aluna Francis a officié pendant presque dix ans au sein du duo R’n’B AlunaGeorge. Cette expérience a permis à la Britannique…
› https://feedbot.net/watch/p93Im50qbJs via @feedbot
#Mitesh_Cheena #Katherine_secord #kit_Secord #Tesh #Tesh_Cheena #groundcontrol #therocketeer #shota #loli kit Secord and Tesh are underrated cuties, they have fun personalities, are adorable, And they are superheroes. Such a good Loli and her tech genus shota best friend.
#mitesh_cheena #kit_secord #tesh #tesh_cheena #groundcontrol #therocketeer #shota #loli #katherine_secord
ASPRS Approves Edition 2 of the ASPRS Positional Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial Data
https://www.asprs.org/revisions-to-the-asprs-positional-accuracy-standards-for-geospatial-data-2023 <-- shared technical article
https://publicdocuments.asprs.org/PositionalAccuracyStd-Ed2-V1 <-- download the current ASPRS current document
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #ASPRS #precision #accuracy #standards #data #spatialdata #PositionalAccuracyStandards #survey #surveying #workinggroup #confidencelevel #metrics #measurement #checkpoints #groundcontrol #VWA #remotesensing #LiDAR #3dmapping #UAS #photogrammetry #geomorphometry
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #asprs #precision #accuracy #Standards #data #spatialdata #positionalaccuracystandards #survey #surveying #workinggroup #confidencelevel #metrics #measurement #checkpoints #groundcontrol #vwa #remotesensing #lidar #3dmapping #uas #photogrammetry #geomorphometry
#LAPRIEST #GROUNDCONTROL Jamais là où on l’attend, @LA_priest nous donne néanmoins rendez-vous au Ground Control pour nous présenter son troisième album Fase Luna. La zone de confort ? Très peu pour Sam Eastgate, plus connu sous le nom de LA Priest. Révélé au sein du groupe danse-punk anglais Late of The Pier, puis embarqué dans une bromance indie capillotractée avec Connan Mockasin…
› https://feedbot.net/watch/GEuq3OoK7rA via @feedbot
#EZRACOLLECTIVE #GROUNDCONTROL @ezracollective2701 secoue le jazz britannique ! Le quintet embarque Ground Control dans l’exubérance de Where I’m Meant To Be, son deuxième album. Ezra Collective conjugue les énergies de Femi Koleoso (batterie), TJ Koleoseo (basse), Joe Armon-Jones (clavier), Dylan Jones (trompette) et James Mollison (saxophone). Ensemble, les cinq londoniens produisent une…
› https://feedbot.net/watch/K8q71CyvRNE via @feedbot
#groundcontrol #ezracollective
#TRICKY #MARTA #groundcontrol La légende trip-hop @Trickyofficial accompagnée de la chanteuse Marta Zlakowska, plonge Ground Control dans les méandres de son univers trip-hop. On ne présente plus Tricky, fer de lance de la mouvance trip-hop et proche collaborateur des mythiques Massive Attack. Les fans du Bristolien sont également familiers de Marta, chanteuse d’origine polonaise et…
› https://feedbot.net/watch/-niyz0vNjpU via @feedbot
#KEZIAHJONES #PHILIPPECOHENSOLAL #GROUNDCONTROL @keziahjones et Philippe Cohen Solal font leur premier concert ensemble sur la scène de Ground Control. Ils y présentent Class Of 89, leur album commun. Né à Lagos, capitale du Nigeria, Keziah Jones est le géniteur du blufunk, mouvement musical qui - comme son nom l’indique - est la fusion détonnante du funk et du blues. Philippe Cohen…
› https://feedbot.net/watch/bmGlMkLYxrY via @feedbot
#groundcontrol #philippecohensolal #keziahjones
#blink182 #davidbowie #tomdelonge #williammaranci #spaceoddity #allthesmallthings #groundcontrol #nasa #cam #ufo #ufodisclosure #uso #uap #tictac #anomaly #surprise #theyrehere #startrek #starwars #stargate #starsearch #edmcmahon #mandelaeffect #timetravel #disaster #earthquake #hollowearth #nuclearwar #alternatereality #breakawaycivilization #julesverne #erichvondaniken #kurtvonnegut #jeremycorbell #johntitor #ForteanTimes #songsormoviesstrandedatairport #music
Hello so this is Mastodon. I'm being nosey but here's my #introduction as seems to be the customary thing to do. I'm a mid 40s married man obsessed with #musicaltheatre , #tv , #music and #crisps. I work as a weather/commercial person for the largest private gritting service provider in the #UK - #groundcontrol. Plus I'm very proud chair at #LODS or #leighoperaticanddramaticsociety in #leighonsea #Essex. I have two #cats - #winston and #bessie and I'm married to a very clever science teacher 👋
#introduction #musicaltheatre #tv #music #crisps #uk #groundcontrol #Lods #leighoperaticanddramaticsociety #leighonsea #Essex #cats #winston #Bessie
🛰 Feeling proud to contribute my small part to this :)
"ESA has successfully operated a spacecraft with Europe’s next-generation mission control system for the first time. The powerful software, named the 'European Ground System - Common Core' (EGS-CC), will be the ‘brain’ of all European #spaceflight operations in the years to come, and promises new possibilities for how future missions will fly."
#ESA #EuropeanSpaceAgency #space #MissionControl #GroundControl
#esa #spaceflight #europeanspaceagency #missioncontrol #groundcontrol #space
Just one of the cool projects our #space & astronomy team at #Cosylab is working on: helping #ESA modernise and consolidate flight operations and ground control systems. Still on the ground, but soon... Cosylab can into space :)
#ControlSystems #GroundControl #SpaceFlight #FlightOperations #EGSCC
#esa #controlsystems #groundcontrol #spaceflight #FlightOperations #EGSCC #space #Cosylab