The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts reimbursement rate for group psychotherapy (CPT 90853) is $23.56! I would love to offer group psychotherapy from my practice, as an effective and less expensive adjunct or alternative to individual therapy. But groups take about 90 minutes. You need to set up, do notes later, billing work, and collateral work. There's just no way to offer a group at this reimbursement rate. #mentalhealth #bcbsma #GroupPsychotherapy
#mentalhealth #bcbsma #grouppsychotherapy
This interview with psychoanalyst, group pscyhotherapist, and author Richard Billow, as well as his editor Tzachi Slonim, is a very good listen for mental health professionals and curious folks
#grouppsychotherapy #richardbillow
From our book, an example of what might occur in group psychotherapy with students
#Education #inclusion #K12 #grouppsychotherapy
Me and my co-author Laura Balogh went to #AGPAConnect 2023 to do a presentation about group psychotherapy with students, and the therapeutic inclusion program. It turns out that the group of people who show up at 7am(!) to engage about group counseling in schools is an especially great group.
We also got to take in a number of presentations - some notable ones included a demonstration of using role-playing table top games in group counseling, a group adaptation of Yale's SPACE Treatment to treat children with anxiety disorders through their parents, and a thought-provoking demonstration group led by group psychotherapist Richard Billow.
#agpaconnect #inclusion #Education #K12 #grouppsychotherapy
My co-author and I are presenting at AGPA Connect in NYC next Thursday. (That's the American Group Psychotherapy Association.)
We will be leading a session about our experience with group psychotherapy in schools, for students with significant social, emotional, and behavioral challenges.
Chapter 3 of our book is all about it too.
I'm very interested in connecting with people on mastadon who are interested in school counseling, and group psychotherapy!
#grouppsychotherapy #agpaconnect #mentalhealth #education #k12
#grouppsychotherapy #agpaconnect #mentalhealth #Education #K12
My co-author Laura Balogh and I will be presenting about the Therapeutic Inclusion Program (the topic of our book), with a focus on group counseling , at the American Group Psychotherapy Association annual conference in New York City on Thursday March 9th.
Consider coming to the conference if you are a mental health professional, or in training. And if you're coming to the conference, be sure to catch our session! #agpaconnect #inclusion #grouppsychotherapy #k12education
#agpaconnect #inclusion #grouppsychotherapy #k12education
My former Group Dynamics professor Sasha Watkins will be co-leading a group at the Northeast Society for Group Pscyhotherapy's (#NSGP) 2023 mini-conference, so it' sure to be good. #group #grouppsychotherapy
#NSGP #group #grouppsychotherapy