Robsterthermidor · @Robsterthermidor
554 followers · 865 posts · Server

I believe George Osbourne’s observation of at the - he also accused the governors of the Bank of England of the same thing in April. As chancellor he groupthunk as a jolly notion to improve our broken economy, he groupthunk the trickledown economics involved and he groupthunk policy projects like Bedroom Tax and student tuition fees. George sees groupthink because he knows groupthink…he’s one of the worlds leading experts at it.

#gtto #austerity #BritishMuseum #groupthink

Last updated 1 year ago

Cold River · @Coldriver7
40 followers · 428 posts · Server

This song in particular I believe accurately describes the situation in Come on peeps, stop already with the on this, critically think for yourselves. Why MUST it go on? Why?

#ukraine #PeaceNotWar #PeaceSellsButWhosBuying #UkrainePeaceDeal #groupthink

Last updated 1 year ago

Jimmy Angelakos :postgresql: · @vyruss
294 followers · 402 posts · Server

is very dangerous. Reach out to other departments, seek out dissenting opinions. Embrace .

#groupthink #technical #debate

Last updated 1 year ago

Jimmy Angelakos :postgresql: · @vyruss
294 followers · 402 posts · Server

is very dangerous. Reach out to other departments, seek out dissenting opinions. Embrace debate.

#groupthink #technical

Last updated 1 year ago

steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
199 followers · 6126 posts · Server
Peppi · @peppea
8 followers · 236 posts · Server
Phil Feldman, PhD · @philfeld
54 followers · 375 posts · Server

4/9 This dynamic cements the relationship between the politician and their followers in a way that is similar to a cult leader, creating a shared fictional reality.


Last updated 2 years ago

David (he/him) · @KnightMcLeod
313 followers · 249 posts · Server

@davevolek @GhostOnTheHalfShell just readingtl this. . . .this is not logical "One common phrase in the 12 limitations is “political party”. It is logical that if we can remove the political parties from the democratic process, the limitations have a better chance of being fixed." This is an assumption, and not supported by logic, at least any expressed so far. I don't think at present you can remove from humans which is what political parties are enabling.


Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
137 followers · 2740 posts · Server

Is honesty, generally, the best policy? Well, I've decided to be 'frank' - even if that honesty will make sociopaths angry and lie so as to slander my honest approach. It's what they habitually do anyway.

Morons behave comparably immoral, plus when their stupid behaviors are challenged, morons get offended and angry. Anger is the moron's way of trying to silence those that criticize them.

Morons also generally perceive what's right or wrong, or what's "normal" from their social in-groups. In other words, morons have an "ape see ape do psychology". For example, if a Morons thoughtless & ecologically damaging behaviors are criticized, a Moron will often respond by expressing that many other people do what the Moron is doing, therefore, in the Morons mind, this is proof that what they're doing, " can't be that bad".

By definition, Morons are comparably thoughtless & deluded. It's what they don't understand (e.g., ecology) & care about that makes them a danger to themselves, others & the environment in general.

There are many variants of Morons. For example, gullible Morons follow & support Morons that lie to them. A topical example of a first-class Moron is Rishi Sunak - a British politician who has served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party since October 2022. Sunak is a rich class of moron. A businessman Moron displays many of the typically biased traits of "business as usual" - such as greenwashing the Morons that believe in him. So, in this context, Sunak can be grouped with Trump and his kind of successful business-oriented Moron.

Sunak parrot repeats the Fossil fuel industries bullshit. For instance, in the context of anthropogenic climate change, Sunak can be observed repeating the Fossil Fuel industries mantra of "Carbon Capture, Carbon Capture, Carbon Capture" & then Sunaks Moron followers will also then be parrot repeating the "Carbon Capture" mantra. Similar to how the UK working class was generally not saying "Brexit" until the sociopolitical business class started saying the word ("monkey hear monkey say")

To reiterate, Morons are "copycats", (More accurately, apes see, apes do. As humans are apes, not monkeys). "Carbon Capture" is the ecologically unsustainable & comparably expensive technology that the Fossil fuel industries have been promoting - as their answer to mitigating Climate Change. Generally, the business class only promotes an industrial "solution" to mitigate climate change. The consumerism neoliberal or right-wing agenda (money and power being the common dominator). For example, home solar panels and heat pumps will mean the fossil fuel industries, the energy companies, would lose money, so, they greenwash the public instead.

Honesty Government ad "Carbon Capture is a complex mining process whereby fuel companies inject donations into the assholes of politicians".

Generally, the Fossil fuel industries promote "Carbon Capture" so as to try & maintain their ecologically wrecking business practices for as long as they can get away with it (for the Morons, it's about sustaining their social status, not sustaining ecology). In the context of the business class Moron, it's often what they avoid talking about that reveals their underlying agendas. For example, you won't hear Sunak challenge the Fossil fuel industry's long history of corruption. Sunak didn't get rich by criticizing the business-class Morons. Or rather, he won't criticize himself, he won't criticize corrupt capitalism that is generally a protect the rich, protection racket. He will and does smile on Camera and lie. Or at least, intentionally avoid the facts that don't promote his political career and those industries that make his career possible.

"Can We Still Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C? Here’s What the Latest Science Says"

So, there are many variants of Moron. Some Morons can be well-intended but, for example, are greenwashed. Well, all Morons believe in their own agendas, and, believing they're well intended, is the Moron norm. Even when those "well intentions" have caused massive amounts of harm to nature. The Morons don't perceive that the harm is their fault.

The rich class of Morons has its own sub-class of "working class" Moron that follows the elite Morons. The "working class" (their words not specifically mine) Morons religiously read the rich-class Moron's Newspapers. Village idiot Morons can be observed moto-cross (motorbikes) riding in England's "natural parks" that are already severely ecologically damaged, sheep-wrecked, "natural" habitats. The village idiot Moron feels their implicit ecologically harmful behaviors are exciting. Village Idiot Morons should be approached with caution - they do get aggressive if their stupid, but average ("normal"), behaviors are challenged.

Some Morons can be sociopaths that think nothing of deceiving the public so as to sustain their wealth. For example, the 'dieselgate' scandal was orchestrated by the business class Moron (though working-class Morons were also involved)

Whilst Morons have been trying to get rich by selling polluting fuels for as long as there have been Morons, Society did at least try to reduce some of the air pollutants by regulating how much toxic waste a combustion engine emits (and Morons are obsessed with Cars). Unfortunately, the Morons have generally failed to mitigate air pollution, because, for one example, the Morons promoted installing "Eco Stoves" in the UK, which emit more air pollution than diesel trucks. Whoops! Morons do make many simple mistakes. But, to reiterate, the business class Moron "mistakes" are intentional deception. For example, Sunak's Conservative party plans to open a Coal mine in England. Who backs the Conservative party? Industries.

"UK: Urban wood burning soars, with 18,000 complaints but only 3 fines"

So, this is another example of business-class Morons selling polluting technologies to working-class Morons (that really don't understand any better - they're Morons after all)

The phrase "woodsmoke is pollution" is not understood by the Moron.

So, no surprise, Moron's "green" ideas & policies simply don't add up to real progress. Morons don't learn from their mistakes - Morons believe their faults are normal. Because, in a world of fools, Morons are normally distributed (average behaviors).

What can we do to prevent the 'Morons as usual' agenda from causing more of the unfolding ecological crisis? How do we prevent the Morons from causing (more of) the 6th mass extinction?

We can change - change the general sociopolitical & economic atmosphere. For example, listen to the sincere people that are really motivated to sustain ecology - not the business as usual and lifestyle as usual Morons.

"With equal parts humor and in-depth analysis, Asher, Rob, and Jason safeguard their sanity while probing crazy-making topics like climate change, overshoot, runaway capitalism, and why we’re all deluding ourselves."

#polycrisis #climatecrisis #speciesextinction #climatechange #psychology #fossilfuel #WoodFuel #satire #education #greenwash #ecology #climatejustice #reeducation #politics #economics #business #groupthink

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
137 followers · 2740 posts · Server

Is honesty, generally, the best policy? Well, I've decided to be honest even if that honesty will make sociopaths angry.

Morons behave comparably immoral, plus when their stupid behaviors are challenged, morons get offended and angry. Anger is the moron's way of trying to silence those that criticize them.

Morons also generally perceive what's right or wrong, or what's "normal" from their social in-groups. In other words, morons have an "ape see ape do psychology". For example, if a Morons thoughtless & ecologically damaging behaviors are criticized, a Moron will often respond by expressing that many other people do what the Moron is doing, therefore, in the Morons mind, this is proof that what they're doing, " can't be that bad".

By definition, Morons are comparably thoughtless & deluded. It's what they don't understand (e.g., ecology) & care about that makes them a danger to themselves, others & the environment in general.

There are many variants of Morons. For example, gullible Morons follow & support Morons that lie to them. A topical example of a first-class Moron is Rishi Sunak - a British politician who has served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party since October 2022. Sunak is a rich class of moron. A businessman Moron displays many of the typically biased traits of "business as usual" - such as greenwashing the Morons that believe in him. So, in this context, Sunak can be grouped with Trump and his kind of successful business-oriented Moron.

Sunak parrot repeats the Fossil fuel industries bullshit. For instance, in the context of anthropogenic climate change, Sunak can be observed repeating the Fossil Fuel industries mantra of "Carbon Capture, Carbon Capture, Carbon Capture" & then Sunaks Moron followers will also then be parrot repeating the "Carbon Capture" mantra. Similar to how the UK working class was generally not saying "Brexit" until the sociopolitical business class started saying the word ("monkey hear monkey say")

To reiterate, Morons are "copycats", (More accurately, apes see, apes do. As humans are apes, not monkeys). "Carbon Capture" is the ecologically unsustainable & comparably expensive technology that the Fossil fuel industries have been promoting - as their answer to mitigating Climate Change. Generally, the business class only promotes an industrial "solution" to mitigate climate change. The consumerism neoliberal or right-wing agenda (money and power being the common dominator). For example, home solar panels and heat pumps will mean the fossil fuel industries, the energy companies, would lose money, so, they greenwash the public instead.

Honesty Government ad "Carbon Capture is a complex mining process whereby fuel companies inject donations into the assholes of politicians".

Generally, the Fossil fuel industries promote "Carbon Capture" so as to try & maintain their ecologically wrecking business practices for as long as they can get away with it (for the Morons, it's about sustaining their social status, not sustaining ecology). In the context of the business class Moron, it's often what they avoid talking about that reveals their underlying agendas. For example, you won't hear Sunak challenge the Fossil fuel industry's long history of corruption. Sunak didn't get rich by criticizing the business-class Morons. Or rather, he won't criticize himself, he won't criticize corrupt capitalism that is generally a protect the rich, protection racket. He will and does smile on Camera and lie. Or at least, intentionally avoid the facts that don't promote his political career and those industries that make his career possible.

"Can We Still Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C? Here’s What the Latest Science Says"

So, there are many variants of Moron. Some Morons can be well-intended but, for example, are greenwashed. Well, all Morons believe in their own agendas, and, believing they're well intended, is the Moron norm. Even when those "well intentions" have caused massive amounts of harm to nature. The Morons don't perceive that the harm is their fault.

The rich class of Morons has its own sub-class of "working class" Moron that follows the elite Morons. The "working class" (their words not specifically mine) Morons religiously read the rich-class Moron's Newspapers. Village idiot Morons can be observed moto-cross (motorbikes) riding in England's "natural parks" that are already severely ecologically damaged, sheep-wrecked, "natural" habitats. The village idiot Moron feels their implicit ecologically harmful behaviors are exciting. Village Idiot Morons should be approached with caution - they do get aggressive if their stupid, but average ("normal"), behaviors are challenged.

Some Morons can be sociopaths that think nothing of deceiving the public so as to sustain their wealth. For example, the 'dieselgate' scandal was orchestrated by the business class Moron (though working-class Morons were also involved)

Whilst Morons have been trying to get rich by selling polluting fuels for as long as there have been Morons, Society did at least try to reduce some of the air pollutants by regulating how much toxic waste a combustion engine emits (and Morons are obsessed with Cars). Unfortunately, the Morons have generally failed to mitigate air pollution, because, for one example, the Morons promoted installing "Eco Stoves" in the UK, which emit more air pollution than diesel trucks. Whoops! Morons do make many simple mistakes. But, to reiterate, the business class Moron "mistakes" are intentional deception. For example, Sunak's Conservative party plans to open a Coal mine in England. Who backs the Conservative party? Industries.

"UK: Urban wood burning soars, with 18,000 complaints but only 3 fines"

So, this is another example of business-class Morons selling polluting technologies to working-class Morons (that really don't understand any better - they're Morons after all)

The phrase "woodsmoke is pollution" is not understood by the Moron.

So, no surprise, Moron's "green" ideas & policies simply don't add up to real progress. Morons don't learn from their mistakes - Morons believe their faults are normal. Because, in a world of fools, Morons are normally distributed (average behaviors).

What can we do to prevent the 'Morons as usual' agenda from causing more of the unfolding ecological crisis? How do we prevent the Morons from causing (more of) the 6th mass extinction?

We can change - change the general sociopolitical & economic atmosphere. For example, listen to the sincere people that are really motivated to sustain ecology - not the business as usual and lifestyle as usual Morons.

"With equal parts humor and in-depth analysis, Asher, Rob, and Jason safeguard their sanity while probing crazy-making topics like climate change, overshoot, runaway capitalism, and why we’re all deluding ourselves."

#polycrisis #fossilfuel #WoodFuel #climatecrisis #speciesextinction #climatechange #psychology #ecology #climatejustice #satire #education #reeducation #politics #economics #business #greenwash #groupthink

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
137 followers · 2740 posts · Server

Morons behave comparably immoral, plus when their stupid behaviors are challenged, morons get offended and angry. Anger is the moron's way of trying to silence those that criticize them.

Morons also generally perceive what's right or wrong, or what's "normal" from their social in-groups. In other words, morons have an "ape see ape do psychology". For example, if a Morons thoughtless & ecologically damaging behaviors are criticized, a Moron will often respond by expressing that many other people do what the Moron is doing, therefore, in the Morons mind, this is proof that what they're doing, " can't be that bad".

By definition, Morons are comparably thoughtless & deluded. It's what they don't understand (e.g., ecology) & care about that makes them a danger to themselves, others & the environment in general.

There are many variants of Morons. For example, gullible Morons follow & support Morons that lie to them. A topical example of a first-class Moron is Rishi Sunak - a British politician who has served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party since October 2022. Sunak is a rich class of moron. A businessman Moron displays many of the typically biased traits of "business as usual" - such as greenwashing the Morons that believe in him. So, in this context, Sunak can be grouped with Trump and his kind of successful business-oriented Moron.

Sunak parrot repeats the Fossil fuel industries bullshit. For instance, in the context of anthropogenic climate change, Sunak can be observed repeating the Fossil Fuel industries mantra of "Carbon Capture, Carbon Capture, Carbon Capture" & then Sunaks Moron followers will also then be parrot repeating the "Carbon Capture" mantra. Similar to how the UK working class was generally not saying "Brexit" until the sociopolitical business class started saying the word ("monkey hear monkey say")

To reiterate, Morons are "copycats", (More accurately, apes see, apes do. As humans are apes, not monkeys). "Carbon Capture" is the ecologically unsustainable & comparably expensive technology that the Fossil fuel industries have been promoting - as their answer to mitigating Climate Change. Generally, the business class only promotes an industrial "solution" to mitigate climate change. The consumerism neoliberal or right-wing agenda (money and power being the common dominator). For example, home solar panels and heat pumps will mean the fossil fuel industries, the energy companies, would lose money, so, they greenwash the public instead.

Honesty Government ad "Carbon Capture is a complex mining process whereby fuel companies inject donations into the assholes of politicians".

Generally, the Fossil fuel industries promote "Carbon Capture" so as to try & maintain their ecologically wrecking business practices for as long as they can get away with it (for the Morons, it's about sustaining their social status, not sustaining ecology). In the context of the business class Moron, it's often what they avoid talking about that reveals their underlying agendas. For example, you won't hear Sunak challenge the Fossil fuel industry's long history of corruption. Sunak didn't get rich by criticizing the business-class Morons. Or rather, he won't criticize himself, he won't criticize corrupt capitalism that is generally a protect the rich, protection racket. He will and does smile on Camera and lie. Or at least, intentionally avoid the facts that don't promote his political career and those industries that make his career possible.

"Can We Still Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C? Here’s What the Latest Science Says"

So, there are many variants of Moron. Some Morons can be well-intended but, for example, are greenwashed. Well, all Morons believe in their own agendas, and, believing they're well intended, is the Moron norm. Even when those "well intentions" have caused massive amounts of harm to nature. The Morons don't perceive that the harm is their fault.

The rich class of Morons has its own sub-class of "working class" Moron that follows the elite Morons. The "working class" (their words not specifically mine) Morons religiously read the rich-class Moron's Newspapers. Village idiot Morons can be observed moto-cross (motorbikes) riding in England's "natural parks" that are already severely ecologically damaged, sheep-wrecked, "natural" habitats. The village idiot Moron feels their implicit ecologically harmful behaviors are exciting. Village Idiot Morons should be approached with caution - they do get aggressive if their stupid, but average ("normal"), behaviors are challenged.

Some Morons can be sociopaths that think nothing of deceiving the public so as to sustain their wealth. For example, the 'dieselgate' scandal was orchestrated by the business class Moron (though working-class Morons were also involved)

Whilst Morons have been trying to get rich by selling polluting fuels for as long as there have been Morons, Society did at least try to reduce some of the air pollutants by regulating how much toxic waste a combustion engine permits (and Morons are obsessed with Cars). Unfortunately, the Morons have generally failed to mitigate air pollution, because, for one example, the Morons promoted installing "Eco Stoves" in the UK, which emit more air pollution than diesel trucks. Whoops! Morons do make many simple mistakes. But, to reiterate, the business class Moron "mistakes" are intentional deception. For example, Sunak's Conservative party plans to open a Coal mine in England. Who backs the Conservative party? Industries.

"UK: Urban wood burning soars, with 18,000 complaints but only 3 fines"

So, this is another example of business-class Morons selling polluting technologies to working-class Morons (that really don't understand any better - they're Morons after all)

The phrase "woodsmoke is pollution" is not understood by the Moron.

So, no surprise, Moron's "green" ideas & policies simply don't add up to real progress. Morons don't learn from their mistakes - Morons believe their faults are normal. Because, in a world of fools, Morons are normally distributed (average behaviors).

What can we do to prevent the 'Morons as usual' agenda from causing more of the unfolding ecological crisis? How do we prevent the Morons from causing (more of) the 6th mass extinction?

We can change - change the general sociopolitical & economic atmosphere. For example, listen to the sincere people that are really motivated to sustain ecology - not the business as usual and lifestyle as usual Morons.

"With equal parts humor and in-depth analysis, Asher, Rob, and Jason safeguard their sanity while probing crazy-making topics like climate change, overshoot, runaway capitalism, and why we’re all deluding ourselves."

#ecology #economics #business #fossilfuel #WoodFuel #climatecrisis #climatejustice #satire #education #greenwash #polycrisis #speciesextinction #climatechange #psychology #reeducation #politics #groupthink

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
137 followers · 2740 posts · Server

Morons behave comparably immoral, plus when their stupid behaviors are challenged, morons get offended and angry. Anger is the moron's way of trying to silence those that criticize them.

Morons also generally perceive what's right or wrong, or what's "normal" from their social in-groups. In other words, morons have an "ape see ape do psychology". For example, if a Morons thoughtless & ecologically damaging behaviors are criticized, a Moron will often respond by expressing that many other people do what the Moron is doing, therefore, in the Morons mind, this is proof that what they're doing, " can't be that bad".

By definition, Morons are comparably thoughtless & deluded. It's what they don't understand (e.g., ecology) & care about that makes them a danger to themselves, others & the environment in general.

There are many variants of Morons. For example, gullible Morons follow & support Morons that lie to them. A topical example of a first-class Moron is Rishi Sunak - a British politician who has served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party since October 2022. Sunak is a rich class of moron. A businessman Moron displays many of the typically biased traits of "business as usual" - such as greenwashing the Morons that believe in him. So, in this context, Sunak can be grouped with Trump and his kind of successful business-oriented Moron.

Sunak parrot repeats the Fossil fuel industries bullshit. For instance, in the context of anthropogenic climate change, Sunak can be observed repeating the Fossil Fuel industries mantra of "Carbon Capture, Carbon Capture, Carbon Capture" & then Sunaks Moron followers will also then be parrot repeating the "Carbon Capture" mantra. Similar to how the UK working class was generally not saying "Brexit" until the sociopolitical business class started saying the word ("monkey hear monkey say")

To reiterate, Morons are "copycats", (More accurately, apes see, apes do. As humans are apes, not monkeys). "Carbon Capture" is the ecologically unsustainable & comparably expensive technology that the Fossil fuel industries have been promoting - as their answer to mitigating Climate Change. Generally, the business class only promotes an industrial "solution" to mitigate climate change. The consumerism neoliberal or right-wing agenda (money and power being the common dominator). For example, home solar panels and heat pumps will mean the fossil fuel industries, the energy companies, would lose money, so, they greenwash the public instead.

Honesty Government ad "Carbon Capture is a complex mining process whereby fuel companies inject donations into the assholes of politicians".

Generally, the Fossil fuel industries promote "Carbon Capture" so as to try & maintain their ecologically wrecking business practices for as long as they can get away with it (for the Morons, it's about sustaining their social status, not sustaining ecology). In the context of the business class Moron, it's often what they avoid talking about that reveals their underlying agendas. For example, you won't hear Sunak challenge the Fossil fuel industry's long history of corruption. Sunak didn't get rich by criticizing the business-class Morons. Or rather, he won't criticize himself, he won't criticize corrupt capitalism that is generally a protect the rich, protection racket. He will and does smile on Camera and lie. Or at least, intentionally avoid the facts that don't promote his political career and those industries that make his career possible.

"Can We Still Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C? Here’s What the Latest Science Says"

So, there are many variants of Moron. Some Morons can be well-intended but, for example, are greenwashed. Well, all Morons believe in their own agendas, and, believing they're well intended, is the Moron norm. Even when those "well intentions" have caused massive amounts of harm to nature. The Morons don't perceive that the harm is their fault.

The rich class of Morons has its own sub-class of "working class" Moron that follows the elite Morons. The "working class" (their words not specifically mine) Morons religiously read the rich-class Moron's Newspapers. Village idiot Morons can be observed moto-cross (motorbikes) riding in England's "natural parks" that are already severely ecologically damaged, sheep-wrecked, "natural" habitats. The village idiot Moron feels their implicit ecologically harmful behaviors are exciting. Village Idiot Morons should be approached with caution - they do get aggressive if their stupid, but average ("normal"), behaviors are challenged.

Some Morons can be sociopaths that think nothing of deceiving the public so as to sustain their wealth. For example, the 'dieselgate' scandal was orchestrated by the business class Moron (though working-class Morons were also involved)

Whilst Morons have been trying to get rich by selling polluting fuels for as long as there have been Morons, Society did at least try to reduce some of the air pollutants by regulating how much toxic waste a combustion engine permits (and Morons are obsessed with Cars). Unfortunately, the Morons have generally failed to mitigate air pollution, because, for one example, the Morons promoted installing "Eco Stoves" in the UK, which emit more air pollution than diesel trucks. Whoops! Morons do make many simple mistakes. But, to reiterate, the business class Moron "mistakes" are intentional deception. For example, Sunak's Conservative party plans to open a Coal mine in England. Who backs the Conservative party? Industries.

"UK: Urban wood burning soars, with 18,000 complaints but only 3 fines"

So, this is another example of business-class Morons selling polluting technologies to working-class Morons (that really don't understand any better - they're Morons after all)

The phrase "woodsmoke is pollution" is not understood by the Moron.

So, no surprise, Moron's "green" ideas & policies simply don't add up to real progress. Morons don't learn from their mistakes - Morons believe their faults are normal. Because, in a world of fools, Morons are normally distributed (average behaviors).

What can we do to prevent the 'Morons as usual' agenda from causing more of the unfolding ecological crisis? How do we prevent the Morons from casing the 6th mass extinction?

We can change - change the general sociopolitical & economic atmosphere. For example, listen to the sincere people that are really motivated to sustain ecology - not the business as usual and lifestyle as usual Morons.

"With equal parts humor and in-depth analysis, Asher, Rob, and Jason safeguard their sanity while probing crazy-making topics like climate change, overshoot, runaway capitalism, and why we’re all deluding ourselves."

#climatechange #polycrisis #climatecrisis #speciesextinction #satire #reeducation #politics #business #greenwash #groupthink #fossilfuel #WoodFuel #psychology #ecology #climatejustice #education #economics

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
137 followers · 2740 posts · Server

Morons behave comparably immoral, plus when their stupid behaviors are challenged, morons get offended and angry. Anger is the moron's way of trying to silence those that criticize them.

Morons also generally perceive what's right or wrong, or what's "normal" from their social in-groups. In other words, morons have an "ape see ape do psychology". For example, if a Morons thoughtless & ecologically damaging behaviors are criticized, a Moron will often respond by expressing that many other people do what the Moron is doing, therefore, in the Morons mind, this is proof that what they're doing, " can't be that bad".

By definition, Morons are comparably thoughtless & deluded. It's what they don't understand (e.g., ecology) & care about that makes them a danger to themselves, others & the environment in general.

There are many variants of Morons. For example, gullible Morons follow & support Morons that lie to them. A topical example of a first-class Moron is Rishi Sunak - a British politician who has served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party since October 2022. Sunak is a rich class of moron. A businessman Moron displays many of the typically biased traits of "business as usual" - such as greenwashing the Morons that believe in him. So, in this context, Sunak can be grouped with Trump and his kind of successful business-oriented Moron.

Sunak parrot repeats the Fossil fuel industries bullshit. For instance, in the context of anthropogenic climate change, Sunak can be observed saying repeating the Fossil Fuel industries mantra of "Carbon Capture, Carbon Capture, Carbon Capture" & then Sunaks Moron followers will also then be parrot repeating the "Carbon Capture" mantra. To reiterate, Morons are "copycats", (ape see, ape do). "Carbon Capture" is the ecologically unsustainable & comparably expensive technology that the Fossil fuel industries have been promoting - as their answer to mitigating Climate Change.

Honesty Government ad "Carbon Capture is a complex mining process whereby fuel companies inject donations into the assholes of politicians".

Generally, the Fossil fuel industries promote "Carbon Capture" so as to try & maintain their ecologically wrecking business practices for as long as they can get away with it. In the context of the business class Moron, it's often what they avoid talking about that reveals their underlying agendas. For example, you won't hear Sunak challenge the Fossil fuel industry's long history of corruption. Sunak didn't get rich by criticizing the business-class Morons. Or rather, he won't criticize himself, he won't criticize corrupt capitalism that is generally a protect the rich, protection racket.

"Can We Still Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C? Here’s What the Latest Science Says"

So, there are many variants of Moron. Some Morons can be well-intended but, for example, are greenwashed. Well, all Morons believe in their own agendas, and, believing they're well intended, is the Moron norm. Even when those "well intentions" have caused massive amounts of harm to nature. The Morons don't perceive that the harm is their fault.

The rich class of Morons has its own sub-class of "working class" Moron that follows the elite Morons. The "working class Morons religiously read the rich-class Moron's Newspapers. For example, village idiot Morons can be observed moto-cross riding in already severely ecologically damaged "natural" habitats. The village idiot Moron feels their ecologically harmful behaviors are exciting. Village Idiot Morons should be approached with caution - they do get aggressive if their stupid, but average ("normal"), behaviors are challenged.

Some Morons can be sociopaths that think nothing of deceiving the public so as to sustain their wealth. For example, the 'dieselgate' scandal was orchestrated by the business class Moron (though working-class Morons were also involved)

Whilst Morons have been trying to get rich by selling polluting fuels for as long as there have been Morons, Society did at least try to reduce some of the air pollutants by regulating how much toxic waste a combustion engine permits. Unfortunately, the Morons have generally failed to mitigate air pollution, because, for one example, the Morons promoted installing "Eco Stoves" in the UK, which emit more air pollution than diesel trucks. Whoops! Morons do make many simple mistakes.

"UK: Urban wood burning soars, with 18,000 complaints but only 3 fines"

So, this is another example of business-class Morons selling polluting technologies to working-class Morons (that really don't understand any better - they're Morons after all)

The phrase "woodsmoke is pollution" is not understood by the Moron.

So, no surprise, Moron's "green" ideas & policies simply don't add up to real progress. Morons don't learn from their mistakes - Morons believe their faults are normal. Because, in a world of fools, Morons are normally distributed (average behaviors).

What can we do to prevent the 'Morons as usual' corporative from causing more of the unfolding ecological crisis?

We can change - change the general sociopolitical & economic atmosphere. For example, listen to the sincere people that are really motivated to sustain ecology - not the business as usual and lifestyle as usual Morons.

"With equal parts humor and in-depth analysis, Asher, Rob, and Jason safeguard their sanity while probing crazy-making topics like climate change, overshoot, runaway capitalism, and why we’re all deluding ourselves."

#climatechange #polycrisis #psychology #ecology #climatejustice #satire #education #reeducation #politics #economics #business #greenwash #groupthink

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
137 followers · 2716 posts · Server

First, if you believe someone is, comparably, a moron, this does not mean they're intentionally immoral. This post isn't about extreme sociopathic psychology.

Imagine if the average adult was comparably a greenwashed moron. What behaviours would be average? What the majority of adults, the comparable morons, perceived as "normal" behaviours - that they didn't question (I.e., group think or herd mentality).

First, we need to describe what is a stupid psychology. Morons don't learn from their mistakes - they don't realise that they're making mistakes. For example, they learn & get their right or wrong idea's from their ingroups (what "everybody" else is doing).

1. The human moron is taking part in an activity that is harming their own health.

2. Due to the stupid aspect of their psychology, they can't be reasoned with, they can't be educated. They don't learn by their mistakes.

Therefore, a moron isn't simply being ignorant, as people can learn & be less ignorant. Morons have a learning disability.

For example:

1. Observe the behaviours of the majority of adults in a town or city. Presently, all towns & cities have varying levels of air pollution (extremely polluted to less polluted)

Most of these adults don't pay much, if any, attention to the air pollution. If they understood how air pollution is effecting their health, they'd behave very different. They'd also demand that political parties & industries helped them to clean up the air.

But, they don't. They're being morons. They're, comparably, morons - because they not only don't understand, they are highly probable, due to their temperaments, to never understand. To not learn from their mistakes.

Imagine if the average adult was comparably a greenwashed moron - you don't need to imagine. In fact, most adults delude themselves that they're comparably, not behaving like morons.

Fundamentally, this is a cultural level of ignorance. I have no doubt, that one day in the future, that generation will look back on this generation and understand how primitive it was. Just as this generation may perceive, for example, hunter gatherer culture as comparably primitive.

There is nothing preventing human cultures from cleaning up the air they breath. How long will it take to learn from their mistakes?

#CulturalPsychology #ignorance #airpollution #diseased #psychology #groupthink

Last updated 2 years ago

punko · @punko
157 followers · 1260 posts · Server

Although, if this goes “Mastodon Viral”, I guess that would probably prove me wrong…..

#mastodon #groupthink #hivemind #ismastofonaborgcollective

Last updated 2 years ago

Kingsley :mastodon: :verified: · @kingsley
1567 followers · 2716 posts · Server

🤔 🙄 . When you observe military coups around the world, what is the first objective?

The take over the media apparatus.

Again if you control the media, you control the narrative and thereby the people.

is functioning in that matter.

#fox #news #politics #media #mastodon #blackmastodon #trump #gop #groupthink

Last updated 2 years ago

Kingsley :mastodon: :verified: · @kingsley
1567 followers · 2716 posts · Server

🤔 🙄 .

You control the media, you control the narrative.

“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
― Malcolm X on the media

#tuckercarlson #news #politics #media #mastodon #blackmastodon #trump #gop #fox #groupthink #malcolmx

Last updated 2 years ago

Kingsley :mastodon: :verified: · @kingsley
1567 followers · 2716 posts · Server

🤔 🙄 . channelling his Orwellian side.👇🏾

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

, 1984

Could you imagine saying was anthing other than what it was, a violent insurrection overthrow the US govt.?

You control the media your control the message.

🐦 🔗 :

#orwell #tucker #carlson #George #jan6 #news #politics #media #mastodon #blackmastodon #trump #gop #fox #groupthink

Last updated 2 years ago

Yvonne Caruthers · @grammasaurus
66 followers · 1152 posts · Server

“…..many reporters and news organizations end up being exposed to such a small slice of opinion from such a narrow social group with particular interests, that it produces its own conventional wisdom about issues like crime and safety. Then the Maureen Dowds and David Brooks’s of the world write confident opinion pieces further entrenching the groupthink.”


#policereform #policepr #groupthink

Last updated 2 years ago

@rolle There are three troubling things in the current default setup as far as we know. On the whole we must say the UI is quite pleasant but the troubling things are cause for great alertness and we say favour maintaining a fork.

1) Forces Javascript (),
2) The (which we call the Popularised by Bots timeline) undermines the spirit of fediverse,
3) The showing of etc without opening the toot leads to . Again an anti-feature.

#makejavascriptoptional #exploretimeline #likecounts #groupthink

Last updated 2 years ago