A taste of what Transition groups are up to this weekend:

🌱Transition Town Rugby volunteer session at their herb garden

☕Trawsnewid Llandrindod Transition green coffee & chat, also at their herb garden!

🐜Abingdon Carbon Cutters host a biodiversity walk

🌺 Transition Buxton have a plant swap at the town's market

🛠 Transition Crich launch their new - good luck! And Transition Town Louth also repairing this weekend!

⛱ Deal With It - Transition Deal beach clean

🔌Many have events - like Vision 21 kicking off a cable amnesty, trying to recycle as many of those lurking wires as possible through their Reclaim store.

Plus, looking forward to lots of folks in the North West joining our regional gathering Greenslate Farm!

All this community-led action/change this weekend... and every weekend! Tell us what else you have going on?

#repaircafe #transitiontowns #greatbiggreenweek #CommunityAction #ClimateAction #growingcommunity #transitiontown #incredibleedible

Last updated 1 year ago

@KrazyTheeAlaskan Yes!!! We gotta get all the from the to show up and post their best plants. Or they can have Tuesdays and we take over

#growers #growingcommunity #thicktrunkthursdays

Last updated 2 years ago