I am finding I will have to fully leave Twitter. I liked Twitter, but it is ridiculous now. I will follow back anyone that follows me. I am trying to find a community on here. I am into #art #photography #abstractart #painting #poetry #pagan #hindu #filmphotograhy #goth #vampire #books #bulletjounal #lgbt #animal #tiger #whale #weightloss #witch #nature #growingherbs #marijuana #MaryJane #35mm #therapy #schizophrenia #MentalHeath
#art #photography #abstractart #painting #poetry #Pagan #hindu #filmphotograhy #goth #vampire #books #bulletjounal #lgbt #animal #tiger #whale #weightloss #witch #nature #growingherbs #marijuana #MaryJane #35mm #therapy #schizophrenia #MentalHeath
The sage bush was taking over the herb spiral so I gave it a trim. Waste not want not, I have now a few sage bundles hanging to dry.
#WasteNotWantNot #SageBundles #SmudgeSticks #GrowingHerbs #Sage #DryingHerbs #Herbs
#wastenotwantnot #sagebundles #smudgesticks #growingherbs #sage #dryingherbs #herbs
We're going to get a few more nights with below 0 temperatures* but inside spring has sprung.
The (first) tomatoes and coriander have already grown too big for their mini greenhouses and the basil & parsley are getting to that stage too.
I also put in more tomato seeds in two more mini hothouses and I hope that I can transport them to the big(ger) outdoor greenhouse when they are ready to be repotted.
*To the Fahrenheitically inclined, that means: night frost.