One, two, three little cauliflowers - about the size of a golf ball but they are coming. I do hope you can see them….
#allotment #allotments #potatoes #grownyourown #gardening #kitchengarden
#allotment #allotments #potatoes #grownyourown #gardening #kitchengarden
What a task…. but I’m glad it’s done! Cleaned and disinfected the 30l tubs for this years potatoes. We are growing the three we have always liked which are Charlotte (24), Kestrel (16) and Picasso (32) then one more we discovered last year which is Sagitta (24). #allotment #allotments #potatoes #grownyourown #gardening #kitchengarden
#allotment #allotments #potatoes #grownyourown #gardening #kitchengarden
Blackcurrant and blueberry bushes in bud. That’ll do nicely #allotment #allotments #allotmentuk #allotmentsUK #grownyourown #fruit #gardening
#allotment #allotments #allotmentuk #allotmentsUK #grownyourown #fruit #gardening
Red Baron and Alisa Craig (white) seedlings appearing, sown on 02/01 #grownyourown #vegetables
I'm sure that after the last two weeks of freezing cold ground temperatures the garlic would have gone through a process called vernalization - vernilisation
Here's hoping
#allotment #allotments #grownyourown
After almost two weeks of up to -9 in the allotment greenhouse it'll be a slow road to recovery - 2 images before and 2 images after
#allotment #allotments #grownyourown
Such a interesting learning curve moving from "T" to "M" but enjoying it so far.
Love growing our own vegetables and seem to start earlier each year.
I would have started onion seeds on Boxing Day here in the UK a couple of years ago.... and now i'm growing herbs and kale already.
#allotments #allotment #grownyourown
1st true leaf
#allotments #allotment #grownyourown
Kale and confetti coriander
#allotments #allotment #grownyourown
Gush mints! Grown under growers choice lights.
#cannabis #homegrown #grownyourown #weed #smoke