Putin just labelled the out of the as a "".

An Oof… to some.

One of our favourite books from the decade has to be '' (2016) by the late . It described how the obsession with was not only wrecking havok on 's and globally but also set to destroy our .

We talked about it extensively, but the only took a breather during .

#monetarySystem #usa #printingPress #GrowingForBroke #PeterNorth #gdpgrowth #australia #environment #economy #growthObsession #covid #bitcoinfixesthis #moneyPrinterGoDrr #putin

Last updated 3 years ago

These stats are false alarm. No context if even true.

debunked tropes like this. Also consumption is designed to go down post , and changes based on total energy available.

Focus on where the energy is coming from, like hydro.

Anyone here against to secure an entire global finance system to replace the even-more-destructive, fueled by a system?

Didn't think so :)

#cambridgeuniversity #bitcoin #BitcoinMaximalism #renewables #hydroEnergy #growthObsession #fiatCurrency

Last updated 4 years ago

Before the podcaster even finished complaining, uttering the words, "", boom - podcast gone.

There's more to life than how many , and that marketing experts can extract from people.

Please take elsewhere.

#GrossDomesticProduct #caraccidents #divorces #moneyTransfers #gdp #growthObsession

Last updated 4 years ago

Any single entity that becomes too big can amass too much power and influences and can become a menace.

Today the (), , and the and that feed their need to be broken up.

Also the , , and should be sliced into two.

#us #militaryindustrialcomplex #mic #google #amazon #centralBankers #corruptRegulators #growthObsession #usa #eu #russia #china

Last updated 5 years ago