
There is still one big, blunder that you still have time to rectify.

Help your ditch the failing Frankenstein of , the ugly, suckling . Over generations you've seen the , the financialised , and and wars it has fueled when countries expressed to stand apart from it.

Stop fueling fiat and move towards , a money for .

Dear boomer,

Please, learn and .

#boomer #family #fiat #USDollar #misallocation #growthism #speculativeBubbles #degrowth #deflationary #savers #bitcoin #monero

Last updated 3 years ago

The sad part is it almost seemed like they were about to turn over a new leaf last month by accepting donations in sound-money from actual .

Then the in the saw an end to that, of course.

@khm @sl007

#savers #grifters #TwitterSphere #warOnSavers #growthism

Last updated 3 years ago

When it comes to and , can we all please condemn (as swiftly as humanly possible) the notion of ().

The is set to fund a $280M (USD) project with to build the country's first .

The continuing march of the .

What we need is a proper of , (aka cronyism) and .

#nuclearEnergy #greenwashing #SmallModularReactors #SMRs #UKGovt #RollsRoyce #smr #deathcult #Rethink #growthism #corporatism #hyperConsumption #HowVeryKeynesian #ukpol #consumption #moneyPrinterGoDrr #DepletedUranium #whyBitcoinCore #degrowth

Last updated 3 years ago

Hi Shans,

If you live in , Growing For Broke (2015?) by the late Peter North is a must-read.

We speak in the language of . The way we can achieve this is by "Getting ", which may involve punching upwards at those perpetrating the .

#australia #convivialSufficiency #NEOED #statusquo #GrowingForBroke #PeterNorth #growthism

Last updated 3 years ago

@clacke @fitheach
The only person to put a dent in the growthist agenda was he also did things for longterm like an scheme. He also tried to bring in a mining tax, and modernise our internet with , which came under attack from , before a coup removed him from power.

So we have an active cabal fighting for .


#KevinRudd #sustainability #insulation #ftth #EmpireMurdoch #growthism

Last updated 4 years ago

The way the facts are presented are tantamount to .

Aral should know better that to make sweeping accusations like this based on tired narratives designed to misinform.

Not only it a net positive for the globe when compared to alternative, and the it propagates…

…bitcoin gets better and more efficient over time.

It responds to changes in energy availability, dynamically using less energy when less energy is available.

#disinfo #bitcoin #fiatCurrency #growthism

Last updated 4 years ago


> at least doesn't require to burn loads of coal to operate.

See , ,

> Coal-burning

There's literature and annedotes of miners largely seeking from , like . Bankers fly planes and consume energy for work. found that the demands are negligable, also.

#swift #militarism #growthism #debtBasedEconomics #proofofwork #intermittantEnergy #renewables #Hydro #cambridgeuniversity

Last updated 4 years ago