Yesterday the #weedlings got Fitbits (ok, #miflora, but they don't know the difference) and I spent a bunch of time arguing with a plant API instead of just inputting my decent-enough values from last time.
Part of the arguing involved removing the old devices. A smart person would have saved the thresholds, but I'm not that person. Doh!
Pics tomorrowish when I get back to it and build the dash.
Today was supposed to be offline, so I spent it integrating #calico and #k3s and #linkerd and such in the new #homelab. I .. am bad at not being burnt out.
Some good news. Changes involved a cluster CIDR change, so I had to reset from zero. Thank FSM for flux2. I expected pain and it basically Just Worked.
#selfhost #snarkhome #TuringPi2 #k3s #dietpi #homeassistant #fluxcd #dietpi #cannabis #growyourown #growyo
#weedlings #miflora #calico #k3s #linkerd #homelab #selfhost #snarkhome #turingpi2 #dietpi #homeassistant #fluxcd #cannabis #growyourown #growyo