Here's some easy listening. Take a walk through the Food Forest!
A new episode of FOOD FOREST WALK is available for your listening, and viewing, pleasure.
See a slideshow of plants as they are mentioned in this guided tour of the permaculture designed Food Forest at Festival Beach in Austin, TX! 🌿
#foodforest #permaculture #victorygardens #growyourfood #podcasting2point0
The 2 oldest banana circles are finally hitting their stride about a year later. Cowpeas and sweet potatoes are the primary groundcover, 4 varieties per circle with pineapples and ginger mixed in as well.
Working on our soil is a long project, so seeing plants start to do something resembling thriving is super reassuring.
The newer 2 circles are not as joyful but that makes sense, as they have had months less time to break down mulch and food scraps and get roots all situated.
#foodforest #bananas #regenerativeag #gardening #floridafoodforest #growyourfood #nuggettreefarm
#foodforest #bananas #regenerativeag #gardening #floridafoodforest #growyourfood #nuggettreefarm
Baby tomatoes! Despite the weird weather, the garden is doing well this year. There's nothing quite like a home grown tomato!
#gardening #vegetablegarden #foodsovereignty #growyourfood
Time to get the #seedlings potted up! #tomatoes #basil and #peppers
#seedlings #tomatoes #basil #peppers #growyourfood #gardening
So much sowing done today! All the cucumbers, squashes, pumpkins and melons. No more room on the windowsill. This spring is so cold that the tomatoes have not yet started their annual hardening off migration.
#allotmentchat #growyourfood #zone9a
In February and March there is not much to harvest in the East Bay garden, but one delicious fruit rippening right now is Cape goosberry aca Peruvian ground cherry, Physalis peruviana. #eastbaygardener #bayareagardener #growyourfood #growfoodnotlawns #gaygardener
#eastbaygardener #bayareagardener #growyourfood #growfoodnotlawns #gaygardener
How are everyone else's (UK based) broad beans looking? My first batch from November didn't make it through winter, but it's now middle of March and those I sowed again in January are still not showing. Is this normal this year?
#Allotment #AllotmentChat #gardening #growYourOwn #GrowYourFood #NoDig
#allotment #allotmentchat #gardening #growyourown #growyourfood #nodig
A boggy allotment today. This what I have picked this week #allotment #growyourown #growyourfood #vegatable
#allotment #growyourown #growyourfood #vegatable
Finaly, after 5 years of waiting my loquat decided to bloom. I think it is 'Big Jim' variety. #eastbaygardener #growyourfood #sfbaygardener
#eastbaygardener #growyourfood #sfbaygardener
The snows already melting away and it's a toasty 50F/10C in the greenhouse.
I have strawberries and snap peas almost ready to pick and green onions and broccoli growing. My basil and oregano are still growing but very slow so I'm using what I dried earlier this season instead of fresh. My lettuces bolted in the heat last week and I need to reseed them.
#WinterGarden #gardening #greenhouse #growyourfood
Any smallholders out there?
Here in East Staffordshire UK we had to junk about 75% of our Leek crop this Autumn due to damage by Pea Moth larvae...
This is despite netting them immediately after planting.
How do smallholders who may be growing much larger numbers of plants deal with the problem… ? Or do you just accept losses..? 😞
#smallholder #allotment #gardening #growyourown #growyourfood
Hi Allotmenteers, gardeners and growers 🙂
Do you grow Leeks...? Here in East Staffordshire UK we had to junk about 75% of our crop this last weekend due to damage by Pea Moth larvae... 😞
Their tunnelling in the stems makes the plants twist and collapse and then rot... 😞
This is despite netting them immediately after planting.😕
Anyone got any reliable techniques for keeping the critters off their crops… ?
#allotment #gardening #growyourown #growyourfood
Winter gardening is the hydroponic tower. I've been trying to grow strawberries for 4 years. This is my first attempt using the tower. Plants are hard too grow in Key West #hydroponic #hydroponics #strawberries #growyourfood
#growyourfood #strawberries #hydroponics #hydroponic
Last big-ish harvest from the summer garden.
#garden #growyourfood #harvest
#garden #growyourfood #harvest
Breaking News
I just spotted my first three sugar snap pea flowers. Since snap peas are self-pollinating, they are ideal cold season #greenhouse residents. They taste better when the plants don't get overheated too!
#greenhouse #WinterGarden #gardening #growyourfood
Repair time at the allotment today, the storms earlier this month damaged the strings and posts which hold up the blackberry bushes and so we added some angle bracing poles with some 25mm iron pipe and screwed them into the wooden poles.
Next project is to replace the damaged strings with some thicker rope and prune out any unwanted branches.
Also installed a new water butt for the polytunnel.
#swanage #growyourfood #allotments #vegetables #ukallotment #allotment #allotmentlife
#allotmentlife #Allotment #ukallotment #vegetables #allotments #growyourfood #swanage
Repair time at the allotment today, the storms earlier this month damaged the strings and posts which hold up the blackberry bushes and so we added some angle bracing poles with some 25mm iron pipe and screwed them into the wooden poles.
Next project is to replace the damaged strings with some thicker rope and prune out any unwanted branches.
Also installed a new water butt for the polytunnel.
#swanage #growyourfood #allotments #vegetables #ukallotment #allotment #allotmentlife
#allotmentlife #Allotment #ukallotment #vegetables #allotments #growyourfood #swanage
I have better pictures deep on my camera roll, and maybe I’ll dredge them up later. This is from the olive tree in my backyard – yes, we can grow olives very well in Oregon. A tea made of the leaves taste kind of like artichoke. Grow food not lawns.
#FoodNotLawns #GrowYourFood #GrowYourMedicine #PlantMedicine #OliveLeaf #OliveTree #BackyardMedicine #HerbalistDoctor
#foodnotlawns #growyourfood #growyourmedicine #plantmedicine #oliveleaf #olivetree #backyardmedicine #herbalistdoctor
Is this gorgeous or is this gorgeous?
#nature #naturelover #growyourown #growyourfood #EnjoyNature
#EnjoyNature #growyourfood #growyourown #naturelover #nature
I love the simplicity of this row cover holder made from sticks. #gardening #growyourfood