📣 I'll be happy to meet you next week at #APIdays London, September 13 & 14, 2023 where I'll be talking about "Challenges of #API #contract-testing" and how we solve 'em at scale with @microcksio 🚀
#apidays #api #contract #testing #microservices #openapi #graphql #grpc #asyncapi
Discovered #Wombat as a replacement for the deprecated #BloomRPC I used to use a lot. I haven't tried it beyond the most basic #GRPC request, but it looks promising already.
#programming #wombat #bloomrpc #grpc
gRPC and REST are probably two of the most commonly used approaches for creating API nowadays. Take a look at
the comparison of them and decide which one is right for you:
#restapi #grpc #api #http
A lot of 32-bit Raspberry Pi OS tuning down the drain when I discovered that gRPC does not work on 32-bit ARM.
Reinstalled with 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS, only to find that it does not consistently boot to a CLI login, despite vigorous tweaking of boot/config.txt. 😩
I can SSH to it, at least. I think the rest of this can be a problem for Tomorrow Jim.
With #OpenLLM, you can run an inference with any #opensource #LLM and build powerful #AI apps.
🔥 Flexible APIs: serve LLMs over #RESTful #API or #gRPC with one command, query via WebUI, CLI, our Python/Javascript client, or any #HTTP client.
#openllm #opensource #llm #ai #restful #api #grpc #http
RT @_ttemporin: Ontem saiu um post explicando um pouco sobre o que é e como utilizar protocol buffers.
cc: @sseraphini @badtux_ @avelinorun @eminetto
#go #golang #dev #bolhadev #protobuf #protocol #buffers #grpc #tutorial #post https://t.co/5k8JHbvE1a
#go #golang #dev #bolhadev #protobuf #protocol #buffers #grpc #tutorial #post
Maybe I'm an old grumpy #tech guy, but I really don't like massive complicated frameworks that abstract away well known protocols like #HTTP, #GRPC, etc.
I already know those, I can easily write code that does those, why do I have to learn the convoluted #framework way of doing things that would be 10 seconds work if I could just access the basic http library underneath?
#Python #AFPy #Django #gRPC #Lyon #2023-06-22 de 19h à 21h
- https://www.agendadulibre.org/events/27656
- https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/python-afpy-lyon/events/293905210
gRPC (https://grpc.io/) est le nouveau protocole de communication haute performance basé sur HTTP2 🚀.
Il permet de prendre en charge nativement le streaming, le transport binaire, l'équilibrage de charge, la vérification de l'état de santé, la traçabilité et l'authentification. C'est un outil parfait pour les API et les architectures de microservices.
Cependant, le prendre en main peut être un peu fastidieux et changer ses habitudes de développement peut être risqué pour les équipes de développement. Nous proposons donc de découvrir la bibliothèque Django-socio-grpc, (https://github.com/socotecio/django-socio-grpc) qui suit la même logique que Django-REST-framework, mais avec gRPC.
Après cette présentation par Adrien et Léni, un moment d’échange a lieu.
Comme toujours, comportez vous en accord avec la charte de l'AFPy ! ( https://www.afpy.org/docs/charte, https://www.afpy.org/docs/a-propos)
#afpy #django #lyon #python #grpc
Every morning, I make my tea just so, walk to my window, and stare out into the middle distance, holding my warm mug close.
As the steam wafts by and fades to nothing, I dream of a world where #gRPC worked on mobile, browsers, and server. I take a sip of the tea. No, running my own front-end proxy server to translate gRPC web doesn't count. Another sip. English breakfast, my favourite.
26 Taller de Rust: Remote Procedure Calls (II), streams
Continuamos el estudio de la implementación deun protocolo de comunicación mediante el sistema de *protobuffers* por
*gRPC*. Esta sesión consiste en trabajar con la definición de
funciones que permitan enviar/recibir *streams*, es decir trozos de datos en un
flujo continuo.
#rust #grpc #socket #ipc #stream #numerosprimos
Remote Procedure Calls (I)
Esta sesión 25, consiste en aprender a implementar un protocolo de comunicación TCP/IP utilizando el estándar gRPC en que se declaran los
elementos principales que lo componen.
Se revisan conceptos, ejemplos y comparativas con otras técnicas de comunicación de mensajes.
Con rust se usan crates
que facilitan la conversión protobuffer a rust.
#rust #grpc #rpc #socket #ipc #json #apirest
Remote Procedure Calls (I)
Esta sesión 25, consiste en aprender a implementar un protocolo de comunicación TCP/IP utilizando el estándar gRPC en que se declaran los
elementos principales que lo componen.
Se revisan conceptos, ejemplos y comparativas con otras técnicas de comunicación de mensajes.
Con rust se usan crates
que facilitan la conversión protobuffer a rust.
#rust #grpc #rpc #socket #ipc #json #apirest
During lunch this morning I wondered, would there be any interest from the #WordPress community in a gRPC interface? Like ... in replacing XMLRPC with #gRPC?
There are things you shouldn't do over REST (i.e. the existing JSON API) that are better suited for an RPC system. Would anyone actually leverage such an interface if exposed?
Want to use gRPC in WildFly? Have a look at the latest blog post at https://www.wildfly.org/news/2023/05/22/grpc-subsystem/. Ron Sigal explains how to set it up and what you can expect from the new gRPC feature pack.
I published invite to next Go meetup 12 in Prague. We will have focus on #grpc See you there on 14 June https://www.meetup.com/prague-golang-meetup/events/293834888/ #go #meetup #prague
I did not like #grpc because of all the overhead of a http stack poorly and overly complicated written by #google with features I did not need, and I dislike the entire type / data description compiler (#protobuf), though it may be easier to adapt to different languages. I did not like #jsonrpc over pure tcp because of overhead fr json conversion for c/c++.
#grpc #google #protobuf #jsonrpc