Yay! Rachel Maddow just announced she will be doing a book tour stop in Philadelphia!
Let’s buy tickets and…
#grrrrrrrrr #philadelphiafreelibrary #maddow
😭 ☔ 4 weeks ago our fortnightly Mt Eden & Pt Chev outdoor comedy nights were rained out.
2 weeks ago they were rained out again.
Guess what the weather forecast is for this Tuesday & Wednesday?
#Grrrrrrrrr #DodgingTheRaindrops #AucklandComedy #MountEden #PtChev
#grrrrrrrrr #dodgingtheraindrops #aucklandcomedy #mounteden #ptchev
And again I was greeted with "Hello Mr. F" by a recruiter. 🤬 Will this ever end? #genderfail #womenintech #recruiterfail #grrrrrrrrr
#womenintech #recruiterfail #genderfail #grrrrrrrrr
N'empêche qu'avec toute cette paperasserie, je n'ai toujours pas trouvé mon shampooing. #grrrrrrrrr
@teslawf @lpenou 738€! Pour un petit machin 11" avec rien dans le bide. "Et c'est une affaire" qu'ils disent.
Je suis colère :) #GRRRRRRRRR