@ian yeah, but with shit like "Subscriber Agreements" [see #grsecurity and #RedHat] these "Rights" are literally useless as people can't really share the code or do anything with it.
Its almost as pointless as Microsoft offering Government Officials access to the Source Code of their Products but banning people from taking notes or even have any competent auditor accompany them...
@geerlingguy *nodds in agreement*
Were the #GPLv3 not ideological garbage but actually comitted to #FLOSS remaining #public, it would've chosen #PublicAccessibilit to code as priority over illegally demanding surrender of all #Patents and #IP.
In fact, #grsecurity #paywalling the code was the first warning shot, and when that went through, others like #Elastic and #MongoDB and now #RedHat saw that they could get away with #paywalls on #FLOSS...
It's sickening.
#paywalls #redhat #mongodb #elastic #paywalling #grsecurity #ip #patents #publicaccessibilit #public #FLOSS #gplv3
@jwildeboer @SUSE @ubuntu @opensuse @SolarisDiaspora I think "Just clone #RHEL!" is kinda bad and unsustainable as a business.
Killing #CentOS and barring #OracleLinux was more of "glock-leg" / "shooting themselves in the foot" of #RedHat and IMHO it should get RHEL to decline in adoption similar to #grsecurity when they #paywalled access to their #SourceCode.
I think it's a bad move even tho no #GPL version demands said sourcecode to be publicly accessible to everyone.
#GPL #sourcecode #paywalled #grsecurity #redhat #oraclelinux #CentOS #rhel
@nicklockwood that bug is very old, and #IBM / #RedHat ain't the first to do so.
The most public example before is #grsecurity, which also #paywalled access to #SourceCode...
#sourcecode #paywalled #grsecurity #redhat #IBM
@nasser I've to agree espechally in the context of #GAFAMs like #NSAbook that are capable of flexing #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish if not completely wreck havoc against said comminities.
And in regards to #RedHat being absolute assholes like #grsecurity, there should be stronger #Copyleft licenses banning any #paywalling of #SourceCode #access...
#access #sourcecode #paywalling #Copyleft #grsecurity #redhat #EmbraceExtendAndExtinguish #NSAbook #gafams
@md Vielleicht mal http://gpl-violations.org oder https://wbs.legal fragen?
Oder @maxschrems und sein Team bei @noybeu kennen wen?
BTW: Je nach dem welche Version von AGPL und welche Software es ist wären nur die Käufer*innen zur Quellcode-Einsicht berechtigt!
Siehe Shice alla #grsecurity und was #RedHat zzt. versucht.
#NotLegalAdvice tho...
#notlegaladvice #redhat #grsecurity
@eve Let's be honest:
As much as I do want to see #BigTech to be forced out of #FLOSS or at the very least be forced to pay maintainers appropriately, we all know this ain't happen unless they're forced to do so as "lesser evil"...
#IBM acquiring #RedHat and killing off #RHEL-compatible Distros with #grsecurity-Style Assholeism is a prime sample.
So OFC you can use said license - just as I use #GPLv3 to commit #AssetDenial on my own projects...
#assetdenial #gplv3 #grsecurity #rhel #redhat #IBM #FLOSS #BigTech
@trashheap so what?
The only valid move against moves like that of #RedHat and #grsecurity beefore them is to refuse to use, develop for or maintain their systems in protest of it.
Because #RHEL lives off the supoort by 2nd and 3rd parties.
@ubuntu might be a good choice since a lot of corporations that got shafted in the axing of #CentOS 8 are moving to them as they don't paywall #Ubuntu LTS at all.
I think it's important to break apart @redhat 's dominance and the de-facto duopoly with #SUSE.
#Suse #Ubuntu #CentOS #rhel #grsecurity #redhat
@aral *nodds in agreement*
I think all those shitty techbros that only look for cheap means to squeeze private profits from published FLOSS are just rent-ssekers and leeches worse than Red Hat, cuz as much as people legitimately hate them, they at least obey the obligations of FLOSS licenses to the letter.
Unlike say #grsecurity...
@msw login- & paywalling sourcecode access may nit strictly be legal.
Sadly noone sued #grsecurity and other serial violators into compliance.
📬Linux Kernel: Wollte Huawei absichtlich eine Hintertür einbauen?📬 https://tarnkappe.info/linux-kernel-wollte-huawei-absichtlich-eine-hintertuer-einbauen/ #HuaweiKernelSelfProtection #Grsecurity #Artikel #Huawei #Linux #HKSP
#HKSP #huawei #HuaweiKernelSelfProtection #linux #grsecurity #artikel
@_tj Has #Linux addressed the concerns that #grsecurity has with #eBPF? https://forums.grsecurity.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4463
Sued by #GrSecurity for #GPL interpretation