Včera bylo na hranicích Polska s Běloruskem nalezeno tělo mrtvé 28leté ženy původem z Etiopie, která zemřela poté, co jí polští pohraničníci neposkytli první pomoc.
Více info v angličtině na fb #GrupaGranica: nolog.link/s/5uxcV5
#grupagranica #fckfortresseurope #noborders
Jaber Awwad Al Jawabra from #Syria was 66 years old. His body was found on Dec 21 on the #Belarusian side. The temperature that day was -12°C. His death was confirmed by his son.
There may be more fatalities. 29 are officially confirmed. Around 200 people are still considered missing. There has been no news about some of them for a year. We will never know how many people died. #PushBacks kill people.
#Syria #Belarusian #pushbacks #grupagranica
Jaber Awwad Al Jawabra from #Syria was 66 years old. His body was found on Dec 21 on the #Belarusian side. The temperature that day was -12°C. His death was confirmed by his son.
There may be more fatalities. 29 are officially confirmed. Around 200 people are still considered missing. There has been no news about some of them for a year. We will never know how many people died. #PushBacks kill people.
#Syria #Belarusian #pushbacks #grupagranica
• 83 people asked #GrupaGranica for help,
• they reached 23 people with humanitarian assistance,
• provided legal assistance to 2 people,
• provided medical assistance to 5 people,
• documented 20 transports,
• received reports about 10 disappearances
• 1 person experienced violence from #Belarusian authorities,
• 2 from the #Polish guards.
1/4 of the people came from #Syria. Others were from #Yemen, #Sudan, #Iraq, #Nepal and #Afghanistan
#grupagranica #Belarusian #polish #Syria #yemen #sudan #iraq #nepal #afghanistan
Providing #HumanitarianAid and defending human rights must never be criminalized, but it is treated this way by Polish authorities.
Refugees at the #Belarus border are treated differently than Ukrainians. Why? Just because they're not white Europeans?
here's a video in English where activists from #GrupaGranica talk about their work, racism, disparities and the lack of support
#humanitarianaid #Belarus #grupagranica
Every week, about 100-150 people crossing the border turn to #GrupaGranica for help. They bring each of them a hot meal and tea, and dry clothes. Medicines, sleeping bags and power banks are also often needed. Since the beginning of the humanitarian crisis, they have provided humanitarian aid to over 13,500 people.
They also provide legal support. You can help here:
It's another winter, another Christmas at the #Poland-#Belarus border. People trapped there are suffering from malnutrition, dehydration, hypothermia, frostbite and worse, some are being sexually abused by border guards.
#GrupaGranica is Polish organization leading a grassroots effort uniting 14 NGOs in conducting life-saving work at the border, documenting human rights violations, and providing legal and social services to #refugees.
#poland #Belarus #grupagranica #refugees #humanitarianaid