I'm not a clips guy but here is the source of a video posted 13 hours ago concerning David Grusch (the UFO whistleblower). It's a deep dive interview for the clip masters to dig into.
Title: UFO whistleblower Dave Grusch tells me everything
Zero proof. Zero facts.
Lots of speculation and wild unsubstantiated claims. Just like MAGA.
Smell like yet another scam artist on the loose.
Maybe the GOP can get this rodeo clown to take Trump's place. #grifters #fraudster
#ufohearings #ufo #grusch #grifters #fraudster
You may have seen David Grusch speaking to Congress last week. Take a long deep breath and employ extreme skepticism. Much of the subtext to these "revelations" and others, align with some very old, eugenic beliefs. Trans-human agendas being pushed by influential billionaires such as #ElonMusk and #PeterThiel.
As I was saying two weeks ago, do your own research, don't believe the hype.
#J6 #Classical #Architecture #WhiteSupremacy #BND #Building #Berlin #MentalHealth #Libertarianism #bitcoin #Art #Publishing #Design #CulturalEpigenetics #Memory #Witnessing #UFO #UAP #Grusch #SocialMedia #holographickinetics
#elonmusk #PeterThiel #J6 #classical #architecture #whitesupremacy #bnd #building #berlin #mentalhealth #libertarianism #bitcoin #Art #publishing #design #culturalepigenetics #memory #witnessing #ufo #uap #grusch #socialmedia #holographickinetics
“The UFO whistleblower and the search for extraterrestrial life”
“For those who think we may have been visited, #Grusch’s emergence has been the best news in years. He seemed credible. “I thought at first I was being deceived,” he told Australian journalist #RossCoulthart in an earlier interview. “[But] we’re definitely not alone.” Attendees at the annual UFO Festival in Roswell, New Mexico — where activities include an alien bar crawl — were jubilant. Coulthart says that unidentified anomalous phenomena (as UFOs are now politely called) are “the subject that can no longer be ridiculed or stigmatised”.
#HenryMance / #ft / #uap <https://www.ft.com/content/5235af64-9646-4c50-8d7c-93f7f04f7bb6#comments-anchor>
#grusch #rosscoulthart #henrymance #ft #uap
Quién es David Grusch, el ex agente de inteligencia que afirma que el gobierno de EE.UU. tiene pruebas sobre ovnis #Emol
#DavidGrusch #Grusch #UFO #OVNI
#emol #davidgrusch #grusch #ufo #ovni
Nicht nur inhaltlich, sondern auch regulatorisch spannende #UFO-#Whistleblower-Anhörung von Major David #Grusch im US-Kongress - hier ein ausführlicher Background:
1) There was an alleged vehicle of non human origin in possession of the pre WW 2 Italian gov.
2) As a US gov intelligence officer people with high level clearance told him they were privy to reverse engineering of that and or similar vehicles
3) There is a covert campaign to discredit and intimidate anyone with first hand knowledge of these types of programs being carried out by agents of the US government and or their private industry partners. #Grusch #UAP #ufomastodon #UFO
#grusch #uap #ufomastodon #ufo
It's been interesting...
#uap #ufo #grusch
Watch "UAP Hearings Live-Stream! Grusch - Fravor - Graves" on YouTube
@Randywestfall @SNerd enumerate #grusch ‘s prevarications, like 3 for starters. And if you don’t mind provide some reason for asserting as such
Has #ShaneHarris , National Security reporter at the #WashPo written or said anything about the former, high level, intelligence officer, #DavidGrusch ‘s allegations of retrieval and back engineering of non human vehicles? #grusch #UAP #RationalSecurity @quintajurecic
#shaneharris #washpo #davidgrusch #grusch #uap #rationalsecurity
US Gesetzesentwurf
> eine Art Amnestiefrist für private Vertragsunternehmen, die sich in einer rechtlich unsicheren Lage befinden könnten, weil sie derartige nicht-menschliche Technologie von der Regierung erhalten und dann außerhalb der demokratischen Kontrolle aufbewahrt oder gar in irgendeiner Weise davon profitiert haben.
#ufo #uap #grusch #Whistleblower
Here is an interesting interview with reporter #LeslieKean concerning David #Grusch ‘s recent whistleblower action against the #USAF ‘s hiding from the US Congress its #UAP investigations https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/20/opinion/ezra-klein-podcast-leslie-kean.html
Podcast is freely available on most podcast sevices
#lesliekean #grusch #usaf #uap
For #AstroTuesday this week I want to bring to you an article from ScienceAlert | UFO Mystery: Controversy Swirls Around Report of Retrieved 'Craft'
#DavidGrusch #Grusch #WhistleBlower #UFO #UAP #NHI #NewsNation #ScienceAlert
#astrotuesday #davidgrusch #grusch #whistleblower #ufo #uap #nhi #newsnation #ScienceAlert