At #SMBE #GS6 - good poster session, including models of #aneuploidy stress responses in yeast that link to the architecture of #PPI #networks (relative rate of direct vs indirect PPI connections)
#SMBE #gs6 #aneuploidy #PPI #networks
Ready for more #SMBEeverywhere? We are!
#GS6 is the next Global Symposium on the #Genetics of #Adaptation, taking place at the end of this week 21--22 Nov organized by Dr. @krushnamegh Kunte and Dr. @DeepaAgashe
To register, visit (free for all members of #SMBE and memberships very affordable).
The program for GS6 is here:
Please join us!
#SMBEfolks #PhDStudents #Evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #bioinformatics #Genomics #microbiology
#SMBEeverywhere #gs6 #genetics #adaptation #SMBE #smbefolks #PhDStudents #Evolution #EvolutionaryBiology #bioinformatics #Genomics #microbiology