RT @EdithCHammer
Was too excited to name this properly during #GSB2023 - We're hiring a microbial ecologist/microbiologist/equ postdoc to work with us in the soil chip project (https://soilchip.wixsite.com/soilchip)! Please RT:)
Job add: https://lu.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:577871/type:job/where:4/apply:1…
image from Carlos https://nature.com/articles/s42003-021-02736-4
RT @EdithCHammer
Was too excited to name this properly during #GSB2023 - We're hiring a microbial ecologist/microbiologist/equ postdoc to work with us in the soil chip project (https://soilchip.wixsite.com/soilchip)! Please RT:)
Job add: https://lu.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:577871/type:job/where:4/apply:1…
image from Carlos https://nature.com/articles/s42003-021-02736-4
The #AlspSoil_Lab & #BiodiversityMonitoringSouthTyrol are saying goodbye to Dublin and the #GSB2023 from above (the Three Rock Mountain) and are heading - obviously - to the next mountains (Glendalough) 🤠
It was a pleasure and a joy to meet all the #SoilBiodiversity people.
Until the next time!
#SoilBiodiversity #gsb2023 #biodiversitymonitoringsouthtyrol #alspsoil_lab
RT @mrillig
Interested in coming to #Berlin for a postdoc, e.g. to work on multiple driver effects?
Will make 1 more appointment this year for a female reseacher interested in quantitative methods/ machine learning/ synthesis/ meta-analysis.
Catch me at #GSB2023 if that sounds like you...
Besides the usual academic talk, it’s been great to contribute to #GSB2023 in an additional, artistic way. Thanks to the organising committee for inviting me to display my macrophotography in the reception hall!
#SoilBiodiversity #SoilFauna #Macrophotography #Soil #SoilArt
#gsb2023 #SoilBiodiversity #SoilFauna #Macrophotography #soil #soilart
RT @mrillig
Interested in coming to #Berlin for a postdoc, e.g. to work on multiple driver effects?
Will make 1 more appointment this year for a female reseacher interested in quantitative methods/ machine learning/ synthesis/ meta-analysis.
Catch me at #GSB2023 if that sounds like you...
Don't be a clod—stop by our #GSB2023 booth to discuss data papers on #soilbiodiversity!
Submit a #datapaper mss describing datasets about organisms whose life cycles depend on soil by 22 Sept. If #Pensoft's #BioDataJournal accepts it, #FinBIF 🇫🇮 picks up the APC!
#gsb2023 #SoilBiodiversity #datapaper #pensoft #biodatajournal #finbif
icymi (it's not clear that anyone did)—stop by our #GSB2023 booth in Dublin to chat with our Dmitry Schigel and Tobias Frøslev or Michelle Judge from Biodiversity Ireland 🇮🇪 to chat about our first #SoilBiodiversity data campaign with #SoilBON #GSBI—and how not to miss the next wave https://doi.org/10.35035/doc-0ZFG-EX13
#gsb2023 #SoilBiodiversity #soilbon #gsbi
Day 2 of #GSB2023. Tom Crowther demonstrates how studying functional characteristics of #SoilBiodiversiteit can be integrated in earth system models and help us understand #SoilFunctioning across the globe.
Next step is to exchange those insights with those people living with #nature, with the Restor platform.
Great inspiration as we go into the parallel sessions with an array of soil biology research.
#gsb2023 #soilbiodiversiteit #soilfunctioning #nature
And we're off to a good start.
Rosa Boone and Yvet Telgenkamp have put up their posters, and my talk on how machine learning can be used to construct microbial foodwebs is uploaded (Novel Techniques session 2).
We're looking forward to interesting talks and interactions on all things #Soil #Biodiversity, #soilhealth
#gsb2023 #soil #biodiversity #soilhealth
Travelled to Dublin today with PhD students Yvet Telgenkamp and Rosa Boone. We'll be attending the Global Soil Biodiversity Conference the coming days.
Anyone else attending?
Leaving the mountains, my journey to the #GSB2023 begins!
🚡 + 🚅 + ✈️
Connect with us 👇
- talk by https://twitter.com/magdalenagler (MON, #eDNA and #SoilFauna)
- P32 by https://twitter.com/julesibk (TUE, #Carabidae #traits)
- P34 by myself (TUE, #AlpSoil_Lab)
- P35 by https://twitter.com/GMBA_IPO (MON, #MountainsSoilBiodiversity)
- P96 by https://twitter.com/AndreasHilpold (TUE, #BiodiversityMonitoring)
#biodiversitymonitoring #mountainssoilbiodiversity #alpsoil_lab #traits #carabidae #SoilFauna #edna #gsb2023
#SoilBiodiversity #Soil Biology #SoilZoology #SoilScience people:
Who will be at the #GSB2023 Conference in Dublin? 🤓
#gsb2023 #soilscience #soilzoology #soil #SoilBiodiversity