On the 10th anniversary of the 2008 financial crisis, #RIPESS and #REASEuskadi have issued a joint "Declaration for a Transformative Social and Solidarity Economy"
"[We] aspire to build a socio-economic system that places people, their communities and their environment at the centre of all its processes...
to guarantee the sustainability of life in all its aspects and to promote equitable, inclusive, democratic and sustainable well-being for all people...
#gsef2018 #ripess #reaseuskadi
RT @NKortajarena@twitter.com: Ekonomia Sozial Solidario eraldatzaile baten aldeko deklarazioaren irakurketa, #GSEF2018 -en Markoan espazio propioak sortzeko beharretik sortutako hausnarketa @REASEuskadi@twitter.com @RIPESStwit@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NKortajarena/status/1047170236653477894
Might be interesting to see if people in Bilbao and other locations are interested in adding platform cooperativism to the Global Social Economy Forum agenda.
#GSEF2018 #Bilbao #SocialSolidarityEconomy
#gsef2018 #bilbao #socialsolidarityeconomy