Folge 146: Zwischenfazit und Ausblick mit Dustin Böttger, GSN
Anna und ich dürfen uns in dieser Folge über einen prominenten Gast freuen: Dustin Böttger von der datenbasierten Fußballconsultingfirma Global Soccer Network (GSN)! "Neben" der mittlerweile mehrjährigen Unterstützung der Blau-Gelben Datenw
#GegengeradeSaison202324 #DustinBttger #EintrachtBraunschweig #GlobalSoccerNetwork #GSN
#gsn #globalsoccernetwork #eintrachtbraunschweig #dustinbttger #gegengeradesaison202324
Saisonvorschau: Neue Härte mit Härtel?
Die Saisonvorschau von der Blau-Gelben Datenwelt auf die neue Saison von Eintracht Braunschweig in der 2. Bundesliga 2023/24.
#DatenweltAktuelleSaison #2Bundesliga #BenjaminKessel #BraunschweigerZeitung #Datenscouting #Eintracht #EintrachtBraunschweig #GlobalSoccerNetwork #GSN #JensHrtel #KeitaEndo #PeterVollmann #Ranking #RonnyThielemann
#ronnythielemann #ranking #petervollmann #keitaendo #jenshrtel #gsn #globalsoccernetwork #eintrachtbraunschweig #eintracht #datenscouting #BraunschweigerZeitung #benjaminkessel #2bundesliga #datenweltaktuellesaison
Neuer Trainer, alte Probleme?
Moin Löwen!
Es ist viel passiert in den vergangenen drei Tagen. Ein neuer Trainer, Jens Härtel, ist da und wir müssen uns wieder daran gewöhnen, mit ihm eine etwas andere Eintracht auf dem Platz zu sehen. Doch zunächst ein Wort an Michael Schiele:
#DatenweltAktuelleSaison #2Bundesliga #Datenanalyse #EintrachtBraunschweig #GlobalSoccerNetwork #GSN #JensHrtel #MichaelSchiele #Ranking
#ranking #michaelschiele #jenshrtel #gsn #globalsoccernetwork #eintrachtbraunschweig #datenanalyse #2bundesliga #datenweltaktuellesaison
TV personality, former lawyer & mayor of Cincinnati #JerrySpringer has died at 79. No cause of death has been given. Springer is best known for his long-running talk show that changed the face of daytime TV with its provocative subject matter and on-screen fistfights. The show ended in 2018, then Springer hosted the courtroom show #JudgeJerry for 3 years. He also hosted the game show #Baggage on #GSN, was a judge on #AmericasGotTalent, and competed on #DancingWithTheStars and #TheMaskedSinger.
#jerryspringer #judgejerry #baggage #gsn #americasgottalent #dancingwiththestars #themaskedsinger
#SonyPicturesTV and #GameShowEnterprisesStudios, #GSN's production arm, have produced a pilot for a potential reboot of the classic game show 'I've Got a Secret', to be hosted by #KatieNolan. The hour-long format will be part game-part talk show with a panel trying to guess a contestant's secret through a round of 'yes' or 'no' questions. The pilot's panel includes #NikkiGlaser, #ColtonDunn, #CristelaAlonso and #MatteoLane. The series will be available for network or syndication broadcast.
#sonypicturestv #gameshowenterprisesstudios #gsn #katienolan #nikkiglaser #coltondunn #cristelaalonso #matteolane
#Guatemala #HumanRights #GSN ‘The 'Sharpshooter' Targetting The Leaders Of The Fight Against Corruption In Guatemala’ from Guatemala Leaks and CONNECTAS on Agencia Ocote – the translation is featured on GSN here
#Guatemala #HumanRights #GSN ‘Anti-corruption prosecutor in Guatemala given 4-year jail term’ from the International Association of People’s Lawyers (IAPL) featured in GSN
#Guatemala #HumanRights #GSN ‘Anti-Mining Networks Support Land Defense Movements in Central America’ by Giada Ferrucci and Pedro Cabezas in NACLA featured in GSN
#Guatemala #HumanRights #GSN Just posted this: ‘Guatemala’s Authoritarian Slide Under Giammattei Is Putting Biden in a Bind’ by Dinorah Azpuru in World Politics Review featured in GSN
#Guatemala #HumanRights #GSN Just posted this: ‘TrialWatch to Monitor Guatemalan Journalist’s Trial’ from The Clooney Foundation for Justice featured by GSN
I know #GSN isn’t about the old stuff anymore but darnit, it’d be swell if they extended #CardSharks beyond the current holiday stunt.
(can’t DVR it from #Buzzr in these parts.)
#Guatemala #HumanRights #GSN
Just posted this: 'Guatemala: former president sentenced to 16 years for corruption’ by Jeff Abbott in The Guardian featured in GSN
#Guatemala #HumanRights #GSN Just posted this: ‘FONGI Denounces Use Of Excessive Force In Chapín Abajo’ from Fongi Guatemala and GHRC featured in GSN
#Guatemala #HumanRights Just posted this: ‘GHRC alert condemning the violence against Indigenous Q'eqchi community’ featured in #GSN
One more post #Guatemala #HumanRights ‘La Puya - A Mining Lawsuit In Guatemala Shows How Trade Courts Put Locals Last’ by Ana Sandoval in Foreign Policy In Focus, also El Observador GT, featured in #GSN
Busy morning - just posted this also: ‘The Distortion of Justice in Guatemala’ Jo-Marie Burt and Paulo Estrada in WOLA featured in #GSN
I just posted this piece: ‘Amnesty International demands immediate and unconditional release of prisoner of conscience Virginia Laparra’ @amnesty featured in #GSN
#Guatemala #HumanRights I posted this piece today - ‘The judge, the prosecutor and the journalist’ by Marielos Monzón
in Prensa Libre, translation featured in #GSN
#Guatemala #HumanRights #GSN ‘Guatemala: UN expert condemns targeting of prosecutor and judge’