📝 Pure Monte Carlo Counterfactual Regret Minimization 👾🧠
"Pure CFR combines the counterfactual regret minimization method and fictitious play to update strategy, inheriting the concept of counterfactual regret from the former and using the best response strategy instead of the regret matching strategy for the next iteration." [gal30b+] 🤖 #AI #GT #LG
📝 LTLf Best-Effort Synthesis in Nondeterministic Planning Domains 👾🦾
"Proposes a two-phase approach for synthesizing best-effort LTLf agent strategies for FOND domains that leverages a combination of (1) off-the-shelf deterministic planning, (2) deterministic goal reachability synthesis, and (3) game-based synthesis." [gal30b+] 🤖 #AI #FL #GT #RO
📝 Symbolic LTLf Best-Effort Synthesis 👾🦾
"Builds on the approach of Chatterjee, Jha, and Piterman [1] that reduces LTLf synthesis to a sequence of Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problems." [gal30b+] 🤖 #AI #FL #GT #LO #RO
⚙️ https://github.com/whitemech/lydia
🔗 https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.15178v1 #arxiv
https://www.wacoca.com/games/701679/ 【GTSport】大回転やらゴール後に激突がありましたがゴールドなので問題ありません【グランツーリスモSPORT】 #Crash #Game #GranTurismoSport #GT #GTS #GTSPORT #MissionChallenge #PeugeotRCZ #PS4GAMES #RaceGame #RacingGame #RCZ #クラッシュ #グランツーリスモ #グランツーリスモSPORT #グランツーリスモSPORT #グランツーリスモシリーズ #グランツーリスモスポーツ #ゲーム #ゲーム動画 #ネタプレイ #ミッションチャレンジ #レーシングゲーム #レースゲー #レースゲーム #事故 #小ネタ
#crash #game #granturismosport #gt #gts #gtsport #missionchallenge #peugeotrcz #ps4games #racegame #racinggame #rcz #クラッシュ #グランツーリスモ #グランツーリスモsport #グランツーリスモシリーズ #グランツーリスモスポーツ #ゲーム #ゲーム動画 #ネタプレイ #ミッションチャレンジ #レーシングゲーム #レースゲー #レースゲーム #事故 #小ネタ
📝 Are ChatGPT and GPT-4 Good Poker Players? -- A Pre-Flop Analysis 📚👾
"Learns to play the game through self-play and it learns to play optimally through reinforcement learning by playing against itself and improving over time using self-play reinforcement learning." [gal30b+] 🤖 #CL #AI #GT
📝 Approaching Human 3D Shape Perception with Neurally Mappable Models 🔭
"3D Light Field Network (3D-LFN), a novel 3D shape representation that captures multi-view information, supports 3D matching judgments well aligned to humans, even when compared across categories." [gal30b+] 🤖 #CV #GT
📝 Decentralized Multi-Robot Social Navigation in Constrained Environments via Game-Theoretic Control Barrier Functions 🦾🐜
"A novel mixed-Nash-CBF that resolves deadlocks for multiple robots and can be integrated with CBFs to ensure safety while maintaining liveness (deadlock-free navigation)." [gal30b+] 🤖 #RO #GT #MA #SY
⚙️ https://github.com/ut-amrl/social
🔗 https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.10966v1 #arxiv
Sonys Kino-Adaption von "The Real Driving Simulator" wurde zwar tatsächlich sehr echt mit realen Autos auf Rennstrecken gedreht, nur kommt das im Film wegen des wirren Schnitts & fehlender Renndramaturgie kaum rüber. #GranTurismo ist so nicht mehr als ein viel zu langer, gar nicht mal spektakulär inszenierter, ziemlich öder Dauerwerbefilm.
#Filmkritik #Kritik #Review #GT #Playstation #PolyphonyDigital #Autos #Kino #DieLetzteFilmkritik #Podcast #Podcasts
#granturismo #filmkritik #Kritik #review #gt #playstation #polyphonydigital #autos #kino #dieletztefilmkritik #podcast #podcasts
📝 Robust Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with State Uncertainty 🧠👾🐜
"Models the problem as a Markov Game with state perturbation adversaries (MG-SPA) by introducing a set of state perturbation adversaries into a Markov Game." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #AI #GT #MA #SY
⚙️ https://github.com/sihongho/robust_marl_with_state_uncertainty
🔗 https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.16212v1 #arxiv
📝 A Strategic Framework for Optimal Decisions in Football 1-vs-1 Shot-Taking Situations: An Integrated Approach of Machine Learning, Theory-Based Modeling, and Game Theory 🧠
"Works by modeling the shot as a sequential decision problem, where the attacker takes actions (shoot or pass) at each step, and the defender chooses an optimal response at each step." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #GT
#gasly #asfaltdestroyer #libres1 #gpmiami #gt #gtsport #gameplay #worldchangas
https://www.wacoca.com/anime/1353888/ ドラゴンボールZ ドッカンバトル 昇龍祭記念!超一星龍PV ##GT #876 #876TV #BandaiNamco #BANNAM #BNE #DokkanBattle #DragonBall #ドッカン #ドッカンバトル #ドラゴン #ドラゴンボール #ドラゴンボールGT #ドラゴンボールZ #ドラゴンボール超 #バンダイナムコ #バンダイナムコエンターテインメント #バンナム #バンナムTV
#gt #876tv #bandainamco #bannam #bne #dokkanbattle #dragonball #ドッカン #ドッカンバトル #ドラゴン #ドラゴンボール #ドラゴンボールgt #ドラゴンボールz #ドラゴンボール超 #バンダイナムコ #バンダイナムコエンターテインメント #バンナム #バンナムtv
📝 Layered Controller Synthesis for Dynamic Multi-Agent Systems 👾🐜
"The SWA-SMT solver computes a set of feasible solutions to the problem, which are then used to generate training data for the NN policy which will then be used at test time." [gal30b+] 🤖 #AI #GT #MA
⚙️ https://github.com/perrin-isir/xpag
🔗 https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.06758v1 #arxiv
📝 GNEP Based Dynamic Segmentation and Motion Estimation for Neuromorphic Imaging 🔭
"We propose is based on a Generalized Nash Equilibrium (GNE) formulation that leverages both spatial and temporal information in an event stream to carry out image segmentation and motion estimation." [gal30b+] 🤖 #CV #GT
📝 U-Calibration: Forecasting for an Unknown Agent 🧠
"The U calibration error of a sequence of forecasts is the maximal regret when evaluated under any bounded proper scoring rule, where regret is measured relative to the best fixed predictor that is allowed to know only the marginal distribution of the data generating process." [gal30b+] 🤖 #LG #GT