#SpecialVehicleWork #GTAOnline #GTAOnlinePC
#Van #PoliceOfficer #PoliceCar #PoliceCarUpsideDown #LosSantos.
Special Vehicle Work with the #RampBuggy unlock mission in order to get the trade price for it(only for host).
#specialvehiclework #gtaonline #van #policeofficer #policecar #policecarupsidedown #lossantos #rampbuggy #gtaonlinepc #gtaonlinesteamdeck #SteamDeck
Isn't #GTAOnlinePC amazing?
Minus all #bugs, #modders #scriptkiddies/ #skiddies, #modmenus.
Oh wait, sometimes all these words are used interchangably.
Also if you're on #SteamDeck can you even use a #ModMenu?
Here's some code:
or is this a "fake"? Using a mod menu risks your account of course...you bought the game for $20 or $14.99 now at 50% and you wanna risk getting your account banned?
#gtaonline #gtaonlinepc #bugs #modders #scriptkiddies #modmenus #SteamDeck #modmenu #phake #skiddies #MaybeNot