@OnceUponAGoblin @petronila @nelsonavatar @snowgaze
Custou me a lembrar dos 10 melhores que me marcaram mas aqui vai
- #legendofzeldabreathofthewild (so porque ainda nao terminei o totk mas ja merecia estar aqui)
- #bloodborne
- #bioshock
- #journey
- #hollowknight
- #needforspeedunderground2
- #gtavicecity
- #halo
- #princeofpersiawarriorwithin
- #frostpunk
- #sheepdognwolf
- #rust
Todos jogos que ja joguei mais que uma vez e provavelmente irei jogar de novo
#legendofzeldabreathofthewild #bloodborne #bioshock #journey #hollowknight #needforspeedunderground2 #gtavicecity #halo #princeofpersiawarriorwithin #frostpunk #sheepdognwolf #rust
Listening to VRock is exactly as fun as 21 years ago.
Patiently awaiting my undivided attention sometime this weekend #GTAViceCity
#gta #gta5 #gtav #gtaonline #grandtheftauto #gtaphotography #gtavonline #gta5online #rockstargames #gtacommunity #gtafive #gtacars #grandtheftauto5 #rockstareditor #gtasanandreas #gtafiveonline #gtaoutfits #gta6 #snapmatic #grandtheftautov #gtaphotos #gtapics #gtamemes #gtaroleplay #lossantos #gtamods #gtaphotographers #gtarp #grandtheftautoonline #GTAViceCity
#gta #gta5 #gtav #gtaonline #grandtheftauto #gtaphotography #gtavonline #gta5online #rockstargames #gtacommunity #gtafive #gtacars #GrandTheftAuto5 #rockstareditor #gtasanandreas #gtafiveonline #gtaoutfits #gta6 #snapmatic #grandtheftautov #gtaphotos #gtapics #GtaMemes #GTARoleplay #lossantos #gtamods #gtaphotographers #gtarp #grandtheftautoonline #gtavicecity
Five video games to get to know me:
#WorldOfWarcraft (I stopped)
#gtavicecity #thesims #worldofwarcraft #spider #thewalkingdead