Alessa Giampaolo Keener · @alessa_ed
614 followers · 1543 posts · Server

and often forget that intellectual maturity does NOT equal with highly and profoundly kids. Instead of pathologizing normal behavior, the adults in the room need to re-evaluate their own expectations and provide support (if even necessary) to kids who are just being kids.

#gifteded #edutooter #gtchat #childhood #gifted #maturity #emotional #teachers #parents

Last updated 2 years ago

Alessa Giampaolo Keener · @alessa_ed
569 followers · 1390 posts · Server

@maggiek On a similar horrifying note, you can check out the in the and even world who exploit every tantrum and mislearning adventure their kids have in exchange for some free curriculum and ad space on their . deserve and to not have embarrassing moments forever preserved in the digital world.

#gtchat #Privacy #Kids #websites #gifted #homeschool #bloggers #mommy

Last updated 2 years ago

Alessa Giampaolo Keener · @alessa_ed
539 followers · 1284 posts · Server

@mguhlin @edutooter
Can you share a little about the Depth and Complexity framework and what exactly the five Content Imperatives: Origin, Parallel, Contribution, Convergence, and Paradox are?

#Education #gifteded #gifted #gtchat

Last updated 2 years ago

Alessa Giampaolo Keener · @alessa_ed
432 followers · 920 posts · Server

I worked at a state uni teacher prep program and I can tell you those UG & grad students got almost no training in . What we do know is that many teachers rely on "junior instructors" in their classrooms to support the needs of struggling . You know, the kids who get paired up on group projects with less engaged classmates - or how is used under the guise that it helps the GT kid reinforce their own learning.

#edutooter #gtchat #PeerTutoring #gifted #students #specialed

Last updated 2 years ago

Alessa Giampaolo Keener · @alessa_ed
384 followers · 660 posts · Server

@neuralengine Oh dear, that poor poppy is going to be soon chopped down, isn't he?


Last updated 2 years ago

Jen Torbeck Merrill · @LaughingAtChaos
28 followers · 50 posts · Server

@edugeek I’m thinking hashtags, the same ones we used on the bird site.

#gifted #2ekids #gtchat

Last updated 2 years ago