Early 2016 I was on a blogging streak. For 100 days straight, I shared my tips around #GTD, #InboxZero, #RSS, #PKM, and various tools and methods I used to manage my work life.
I think it’s time to revisit those topics, and make the 2023 edition. But this time in English, not in Swedish.
Ben je altijd op zoek naar betere manieren om je werk in te richten, ben je fan van #GTD? Maar ben je er (soms) ook moe van? Lees dit eens. Dit artikel hielp mij om te beseffen dat je niet moet focussen op efficiëntie en tactieken, technieken, snelheid en perfectionisme, maar welke (inefficiënte of doelloze) dingen je energie geven.
TLDR: Energie maakt tijd. Hobby's geven energie. Dus hobby's kosten geen tijd, maar geven tijd!
Love the current Next Action Associates video on complex inputs.
The image of a boss tossing out Idea Grenades and waiting to see who will jump on them before they explode brings back memories of crazy makers.
24 minute listen
#gtd #gtdclarify #audienceconscious
Last week I had a course on Getting things done #GTD. During the course I realized where my own productivity was on a break. Now , removed that break and I feel more relaxed on what I have to accomplish. It is a lot, but I know now how to find the first thing I need to do in the morning, and that kicks of the day.
Zurück aus dem Urlaub. Stürze mich gleich ins #GTD Weekly, das heute vermutlich etwas länger dauern wird. Danach geht es an die Vorbereitung von Dingen für das 3. Audio-only Barcamp #audiobc23 am 20.09.2023: https://cogneon.de/audiobc23
For me, this summer is full of #productivity jubilees. Today I have my 50000th task completed in @todoist.🙂
More productivity! Now that I'm back at home, I'm upgrading my Linux Mint machine to the new Vanessa. I had to actually do it via the GUI though as it launches a GUI to go through the process, but that's ok. That's what VNC is for, right? (I didn't see how to do it via CLI but no biggie)
#linux #server #foss #productive #gtd #upgrade
I was all sorts of #logjammed this past week and it has been a terrible feeling.
I did some crappy writing about it and might put it on my personal blog, but here is a draft link about how too many works-in-progress and too long of a project queue results in catastrophic work stoppages, and what I will try to do about it: https://noteshare.space/note/cllvvez9e1127801mw1iy58g2z#SNV01ouheSBX660FaJP/JlhDv9xchDOVQR+2824SOrc
#logjammed #logjam #productivity #gtd
Now for an Emacs thing, which I don't think that i've done for a little while. @kickingvegas has a post about Org Mode and Agenda items which I'm going to check out in detail later, because I might learn something new about stuff that I use every day.
Notes from /dev/null: Defining Org Agenda Tasks (or, I've Been Using Org Agenda Wrong)
#emacs #orgmode #agenda #gtd #organize
I published an article called “Eget: Easily Get and Install Some Apps (featuring installing the latest Hugo)”
#InfiniteInk #CLI #Eget #GoHugo #Hugo #GoLang #IUseThis #Uses #Linux #nix-nux #Productivity #GTD #Tech #Windows #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #windows #tech #gtd #productivity #nix #linux #uses #iusethis #golang #hugo #gohugo #eget #cli #infiniteink
Why Shortest Job First (SJF) does not always work as a ranking approach, but Cost of Delay (CoD) always works to rank any of your work: https://www.jrothman.com/mpd/agile/2022/08/how-cycle-time-and-cost-of-delay-makes-product-development-decisions-easier-day-2/
#kanban #gtd #thinkfirstthenwork 😁 Great article by Johanna Rothman 🙌
#kanban #gtd #thinkfirstthenwork
It’s getting to be #Planner shopping season. Which planners float your boat? #hononichi? #filofax? #franklinCovey? #BulletJournal? #gtd
#planner #hononichi #filofax #franklincovey #bulletjournal #gtd
Having a shutdown routine at the end of my work day really helps me transition to non-work related evenings
Post 09/100 of 100DaysToOffload challenge! #100DaysToOffload #100Days #Productivity #GTD #routines #work #checklist
#checklist #work #routines #gtd #productivity #100days #100DaysToOffload
Briefly startled. When I restore a note (cf. retrieve an earlier version of a note) the labels do not come with it.
My organisation in #Evernote is based on notebooks combined with labels in a #GTD structure.
As said, 't was a bit of a scare, but not insurmountable. At least I had my valuable content perfectly back. And those labels, well I just added those myself. End of story.
Y'a des gens par ici qui utilisent (vraiment) la méthode Getting Things Done par ici ? Et dans sa version low-tech (comme le dit David Allen dans son bouquin, pour parler du #papier) ?
Et sinon, utilisez-vous (vraiment à nouveau) une méthode similaire ? (toujours en version papier, les versions numériques ne m'intéressent pas ici car j'aimerais justement me défaire davantage de ce support.)
Quelles sont ces méthodes le cas échéant ?
#papier #gtd #gettingthingsdone
An interesting tidbit about Edsger Dijkstra's Workweek in Cal Newport’s blog. #GTD #Academia https://calnewport.com/edsger-dijkstras-one-day-workweek/
As an #InboxZero , #GTD , and #productivity nerd, I recognize that my obsessive behavior with productivity is somewhat toxic.
The following article is a bit of a wakeup call, and I think I need to take a hard look at my systems (process, tools, and "people") and figure out what they are actually enabling and if thats aligned to where I should be playing (according to this article).
Today I have a @todoist achievement.🙂
#gtd #selforganization #personalproductivity