I’ve been waiting for an electric GTI for a while now! So excited for it 😍 https://www.caranddriver.com/photos/g44975531/volkswagen-id-gti-concept-exterior-gallery/
I don't know if you can see me dancing, but I am dancing right now. #EV #VW #GTI
51 years later, my beloved #VW #GTI , also transverse engine front drive, but with about 3 times the horsepower of the #Fiat.
It's in our driveway in #RanchoMirage with #MountSanJacinto in the background.
#PalmSprings #mountsanjacinto #ranchomirage #fiat #gti #vw
In today's episode of James's terrible iPhone photos, a gorgeous and vintage VW GTI with awesome wheels. This is one of the nicest daily drivers I’ve ever seen. My Bolt next to it looks like a hulking beast—I miss truly small cars.
#volkswagen #weirdcarmastodon #gti #vw
#Atari announces acqusition of over 100 PC & Console Titles, including #Accolade & #GTI trademarks, #Infogrames #games & much more! You heard it here first on #AtariNewsline! #polls #gaming #vintagegaming #retrogaming #BCB
#atari #accolade #gti #infogrames #games #atarinewsline #polls #gaming #vintagegaming #retrogaming #bcb
[23/03/23 16:27] - taiwantodayjp:twitter:
外交部の呉釗燮部長(外相)は22日、米国のロバート・オブライエン前大統領補佐官(国家安全保障担当)が率いる米ワシントンのシンクタンク「Global Taiwan Institute(#GTI)」台米関係タスクフォースの訪問団一行と… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1638804637276073984 #pom
Das #GTI Treffen in Maria Wörth
ist #GTIschichte ;( Brrrm Brrrm
Wäre schön es würde durch eine Solarmobilconvention ersetzt! Bssss
Gemeinde schafft legendäres GTI-Treffen am #Wörthersee ab.
»Zunehmende Kritik, abnehmende Akzeptanz«: Die Gemeinde #MariaWörth am Wörthersee hat das früher von Tausenden Autofahrern besuchte #GTI-Treffen endgültig abgesagt. #Klimaschutz gehe wirtschaftlichen Interessen vor.
#worthersee #mariaworth #gti #klimaschutz
Jetzt müssen die GTI-Spacken ganz tapfer sein: Kein Treffen mehr am Wörthersee!
Trauerbeflaggung in Bergheim und Pinneberg?
#wortherseetreffen #gti #GolfGTI
Giants of STEEL | Handmade Steelwork | STEEL GIANTS | EMS2022 https://youtu.be/c73sdoaWOKg +++ #NEWSonTour #jpperformance #jpperformancearmy #freudeamtunen #bestofwheels #eurotunermagazin #jpperformance #essenmotorshow #essenmotorshow2022 #ems2022 #e36bmw #audi #vw #golf #vwgolf #gti #kwsuspension #lowered #static #carphotography #automotive #stanced #bagged #slammed #lowlife #carlove #carlifestyle #carporn
#newsontour #jpperformance #jpperformancearmy #freudeamtunen #bestofwheels #eurotunermagazin #essenmotorshow #essenmotorshow2022 #ems2022 #e36bmw #audi #vw #golf #vwgolf #gti #kwsuspension #lowered #static #carphotography #automotive #stanced #bagged #slammed #lowlife #carlove #carlifestyle #carporn
VW Golf GTI | Supergolf Projekt | JP Performance | Essen Motor Show 2022 | JEAN PIERRE KRAEMER https://youtu.be/oEAUxTV3_70 #jpperformance #jpperformancearmy #freudeamtunen #bestofwheels #eurotunermagazin #jpperformance #essenmotorshow #essenmotorshow2022 #ems2022 #e36bmw #audi #vw #golf #vwgolf #gti #kwsuspension #lowered #static #carphotography #automotive #stanced #bagged #slammed #lowlife #carlove #carlifestyle #carporn
#jpperformance #jpperformancearmy #freudeamtunen #bestofwheels #eurotunermagazin #essenmotorshow #essenmotorshow2022 #ems2022 #e36bmw #audi #vw #golf #vwgolf #gti #kwsuspension #lowered #static #carphotography #automotive #stanced #bagged #slammed #lowlife #carlove #carlifestyle #carporn
Trying to think of some little things I am thankful for, & one of them is my cat. It’s a 2013 VW GTI. It is so fun to drive & I feel like the engineers really had drivers in mind. Also it is perfect for my shortness. Here’s a disclaimer: I think we should move beyond cars. #GTI
I’ll +1 your pick, but a bit more modern since I’m a #youngster .
I was obsessed with the 2012-14 #GTI during high school. I even had a #VW branded keychain while I was driving my dad’s #Hyundai #Elantra.
This predated my #Mazda / #Miata obsessions. I still have a soft spot for those #tartan seats…
#youngster #gti #vw #hyundai #elantra #mazda #miata #tartan
#cyberciti #nixcraft "Linux / Unix desktop fun: gti get jeep/car when you mistype git" #git #gti #humour ... https://www.cyberciti.biz/linux-news/linux-unix-desktop-fun-gti-get-jeep-car-when-you-mistype-git/
#cyberciti #nixCraft #git #gti #humour