Games to know me
Stardew Valley
Sims 4 and Sims 3 (occasionally 1 and 2)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Farthest Frontier
Dawn of Man
My Time At Sandrock
Cosy Grove
Octopath 2
I know there are others that I'm forgetting, but these are the ones I play most often that come to mind right now.
Hashtag list: #Banished #StardewValley #Sims4 #Sims3 #ACNH #FarthestFrontier #DawnOfMan #MyTimeAtSandrock #CosyGrove #Octopath2 #Gaming #GTKM
#banished #stardewvalley #sims4 #sims3 #acnh #farthestfrontier #dawnofman #MyTimeatSandrock #cosygrove #octopath2 #gaming #gtkm
#14 Favourite object one of your characters has owned?
This goes to Nemir's copper-adorned boots because her companion, who had fallen for her (Nemir is starting to fall in love too), decorated them as a sign of love. Theres a dwarvish rune that says "love" on the lace caps.
#TTRPG #TTRPGS #TheOneRing #OriginalCharacter #Stories #GTKM
#gtkm #Stories #originalcharacter #theonering #ttrpgs #ttrpg
#14 Favourite object one of your characters has owned?
This goes to Nemir's copper-adorned boots because her companion, who had fallen for her (Nemir is starting to fall in love too), decorated them as a sign of love. Theres a dwarvish rune that says "love" on the lace caps.
#TTRPG #TTRPGS #TheOneRing #OriginalCharacter #Stories #GTKM
#gtkm #Stories #originalcharacter #theonering #ttrpgs #ttrpg
#11: Have you played a hex crawl
#12: Have you designed a dungeon
Nope. I'm not even sure where I'd start with that and I dont have any pressing need, as i dont typically DM. I have drawn maps though and that was fun :]]
#13: Have you played LARP?
I haven't but I'd love to !! Maybe one day, when I have more money to travel and buy stuff for it
#11: Have you played a hex crawl
#12: Have you designed a dungeon
Nope. I'm not even sure where I'd start with that and I dont have any pressing need, as i dont typically DM. I have drawn maps though and that was fun :]]
#13: Have you played LARP?
I haven't but I'd love to !! Maybe one day, when I have more money to travel and buy stuff for it
#10 Have you played a journaling game?
I've tried and really enjoy it but I dont consistently do journaling for myself so consistently journaling for a character has followed the same pattern 😅 I'd like to do it more though !! I'll see if I can find a journaling game that is more fantasy rather than the current one I'm trying to do,which is based more around the cthulu mythos
#JournallingRPG #GTKM #TTRPG #TTRPGS #Journalling #JournallingGame #SoloRPG
#solorpg #journallinggame #journalling #ttrpgs #ttrpg #gtkm #journallingrpg
#10 Have you played a journaling game?
I've tried and really enjoy it but I dont consistently do journaling for myself so consistently journaling for a character has followed the same pattern 😅 I'd like to do it more though !! I'll see if I can find a journaling game that is more fantasy rather than the current one I'm trying to do,which is based more around the cthulu mythos
#JournallingRPG #GTKM #TTRPG #TTRPGS #Journalling #JournallingGame #SoloRPG
#solorpg #journallinggame #journalling #ttrpgs #ttrpg #gtkm #journallingrpg
#8 - Favourite TTRPG for its art
Avatar??? The One Ring?? Truly not sure but I do like those ones
#9 Favourite TTRPG for its writing
Vampire: the masquerade. I love the lore of it and the different vampire clans its just so very cool
#8 - Favourite TTRPG for its art
Avatar??? The One Ring?? Truly not sure but I do like those ones
#9 Favourite TTRPG for its writing
Vampire: the masquerade. I love the lore of it and the different vampire clans its just so very cool
#GTKM Get to Know Me from some of my favorite #boardgames and #gamedesigners :
Everything #martinwallace #powergrid #Lisboa #vinhos #FoodChainMagnate #CosmicEncounter #MageKnight #HighFrontier #DieMacher, #Titan #mtg #7thcontinent
Been playing since I was a wee young geek; see all of my boardgame reviews at #boardgamegeek
#gtkm #boardgames #gamedesigners #martinwallace #powergrid #lisboa #vinhos #FoodChainMagnate #CosmicEncounter #mageknight #highfrontier #diemacher #titan #mtg #7thcontinent #boardgamegeek
#GTKM Get to Know Me from some of my favorite #videogames :
See my 2000 Designer Plays #SteamCurator reviews at
#gtkm #videogames #dwarffortress #dungeoncrawlstonesoup #factorio #thebindingofisaac #spacestation13 #supermeatboy #rimworld #distantworlds2 #prisonarchitect #cogmind #neoscavenger #ultimaonline #crusaderkingsiii #commandops2 #dominions5 #mushihimesama #supermetroid #legendofzeldaalinktothepast #steamcurator
#GTKM Get to Know Me from some of my favorite #wargames : #AdvancedSquadLeader #DevilsCauldron #OldSchoolTactical #LaBataille series #Napoleon’sTriumph #Normandy’44 #noRetreat #IronTide #Tobruk #AVictoryLost See my wargame reviews at
#gtkm #wargames #advancedsquadleader #DevilsCauldron #oldschooltactical #labataille #Napoleon #normandy #noRetreat #irontide #Tobruk #avictorylost
#GTKM Get to Know Me from some of my favorite #boardgames and #gamedesigners :
Everything #martinwallace #powergrid #Lisboa #vinhos #FoodChainMagnate #CosmicEncounter #MageKnight #HighFrontier #DieMacher, #Titan #mtg #7thcontinent
Been playing since I was a wee young geek; see all of my reviews and collection of ~2300 boardgames at #boardgamegeek
#gtkm #boardgames #gamedesigners #martinwallace #powergrid #lisboa #vinhos #FoodChainMagnate #CosmicEncounter #mageknight #highfrontier #diemacher #titan #mtg #7thcontinent #boardgamegeek
#GTKM Get to Know Me from some of my favorite #ttrpg systems:
#TheBurningWheel #MouseGuard #Zweihander #rolemaster #runequest #Merp #ChivalryAndSorcery #NeoClassicalGeekRevival all #KevinCrawford games #symbaroum #Hackmaster 5e #BarbariansofLemuria #WHFRP #DuneRPG #trailofcthulhu #theonering #adnd #ryuutama, #GoldenSkyStories #AgainstTheDarkmaster #BlackbirdsRPG
#gtkm #ttrpg #TheBurningWheel #MouseGuard #Zweihander #rolemaster #runequest #Merp #ChivalryAndSorcery #NeoClassicalGeekRevival #kevincrawford #symbaroum #Hackmaster #BarbariansofLemuria #WHFRP #DuneRPG #trailofcthulhu #theonering #adnd #ryuutama #GoldenSkyStories #AgainstTheDarkmaster #BlackbirdsRPG
#GTKM Get to Know Me through some of the #OSR #ttrpgs and #gamedesigners I like: #MorkBorg #DeathinSpace #ForbiddenPsalm #GreyRanks #NotoriousRPG #Warlock! #theClayThatWoke #Mausritter #icrpg #dungeonworld #pbta, #SkateWizards #TwelveYears #MyLifeWithMaster #Rune #CY_BORG #OD&D, #Traveller @johnbattle117 @timhutchings @ChrisMcDowall @yochaigal @PatrickStuart
#gtkm #osr #ttrpgs #gamedesigners #MorkBorg #DeathinSpace #ForbiddenPsalm #greyranks #notoriousrpg #warlock #theclaythatwoke #Mausritter #icrpg #dungeonworld #pbta #SkateWizards #twelveyears #mylifewithmaster #rune #CY_BORG #OD #traveller
#6 - a favourite TTRPG character you've played
Nemir (My character for my One Ring campaign) !! The OG, I've watched her grow with her companions and written so many pieces of her life of her time back home in Mirkwood. She's grown from being naive, newly venturing into the world, to the person she is now, weighed with the burden of knowledge and responsibility, just trying to do her best for her people and her friends. My absolute beloved. None other compare to her.
#6 - a favourite TTRPG character you've played
Nemir (My character for my One Ring campaign) !! The OG, I've watched her grow with her companions and written so many pieces of her life of her time back home in Mirkwood. She's grown from being naive, newly venturing into the world, to the person she is now, weighed with the burden of knowledge and responsibility, just trying to do her best for her people and her friends. My absolute beloved. None other compare to her.
#5 TTRPG you've played the most
The One Ring - it was the first campaign that I'd ever been in and its lasted ever since (been almost 4 years). Though with the hiatus that it took, Dnd is probably not far behind.
#GTKM #TTRPG #TTRPGS #DND #TheOneRing #Roleplaying #RolePlayer
#RolePlayer #roleplaying #theonering #DND #ttrpgs #ttrpg #gtkm
#5 TTRPG you've played the most
The One Ring - it was the first campaign that I'd ever been in and its lasted ever since (been almost 4 years). Though with the hiatus that it took, Dnd is probably not far behind.
#GTKM #TTRPG #TTRPGS #DND #TheOneRing #Roleplaying #RolePlayer
#RolePlayer #roleplaying #theonering #DND #ttrpgs #ttrpg #gtkm
#3 - A published npc that left a lasting impression on you
Oooooh... I have several. One or two are in the grey area because they only exist in a "published" way on a wiki dedicated to a homebrew world BUT I shall talk abt them all anyway >:)
SO the first? Daran, from a Lost Mines of Phandelver campaign where I was playing a young tiefling sorcerer called Kairen.
(Part 1)
#roleplaying #ttrpgs #ttrpg #gtkm