RT @ADAPT_bulletin@twitter.com
📽️#GTL2022 Interviews to Keynote Speakers - @WZwysen@twitter.com (@ETUI_org@twitter.com) interviewed by @chialtilio@twitter.com
🔎A focus on #digital & #platformeconomy, looking into the issues of #gendersegregation & risks (i.e. #discrimination and misclassifications of employment status)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ADAPT_bulletin/status/1620327489024430080
#gtl2022 #digital #platformeconomy #gendersegregation #discrimination
RT @ADAPT_bulletin@twitter.com
The curtain falls on the 12th @adapland@twitter.com. 3 intense days, full of reflections on the (new) #labourmarkets & #industrialrelations.
🙏Special thanks go to our content partner (@WECglobal@twitter.com) & supporters who made #GTL2022 possible https://internationalconference.adapt.it/partners-and-supporters/
@CIELOlaboral@twitter.com @intesasanpaolo@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ADAPT_bulletin/status/1596542261483171840
#labourmarkets #industrialrelations #gtl2022
Dopo 3 giorni di #GTL2022 qualche ora alla #Colletta22.
Fate la spesa e donate se riuscite, c’è bisogno e lo sapete.
RT @M_DelleChiaie@twitter.com
Last plenary session of @adaptland@twitter.com XII International Conference: @vdoellgast@twitter.com, @LyhneIbsen@twitter.com, @DavidLantaron@twitter.com about the role of #industrialrelations and #collective #bargaining in the construction of new labour markets 📍
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/M_DelleChiaie/status/1596458885245804544
#industrialrelations #collective #bargaining #gtl2022
RT @ProsdocimiSara@twitter.com
The role and the use of #industrialrelations in the social construction of labour markets, with @francescoseghez@twitter.com, @vdoellgast@twitter.com, #ChristianIbsen and @DavidLantaron@twitter.com.
Now at #ADAPT International Conference.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ProsdocimiSara/status/1596451889335312385
#industrialrelations #christianibsen #adapt #gtl2022
RT @CitterioLorenzo@twitter.com
@francescoseghez@twitter.com, President of Fondazione ADAPT, introduces the last conference in plenary session at #GTL2022: “The role of industrial relations in the construction of labour markets”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CitterioLorenzo/status/1596452192789020672
Last but not least, alle 11.30 oggi l’ultima plenaria di #GTL2022 nella quale parleremo del ruolo delle relazioni industriali nella costruzione dei mercati del lavoro con @vdoellgast@twitter.com @LyhneIbsen@twitter.com @DavidLantaron@twitter.com.
Seguiteci online qui: https://youtu.be/2rPo9PUqwBs
RT @LaviniaSerrani@twitter.com
Gracias a los companeros que me acompanaron en esta mesa, importante igual que las de trabajo…o incluso mas!! #GTL2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LaviniaSerrani/status/1596252784701149186
RT @FranzNespoli@twitter.com
Masters and early-career in background.
Masters and early-career in foreground.
#GTL2022 hosts a chat between @AnthonyForsyt10@twitter.com, @LourdesMella@twitter.com, Manfred Weiss, Luis Gil y Gil, Richard Hyman, Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick, and @AdaptHigherEd@twitter.com Ph.D students.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FranzNespoli/status/1596180329785851904
RT @Pietro_Manzella@twitter.com
I have just happened to receive a plaque from Mahamakut Buddhist University @mbu_____@twitter.com acknowledging friendly and fruitful relations with @adaptland@twitter.com. Much appreciated and keep up the good work! #GTL2022 #Nurturingrelationships
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Pietro_Manzella/status/1596156042240466947
#gtl2022 #nurturingrelationships
RT @giorgioimpe@twitter.com
Il caso dell’apprendistato in #Germania con Thomas Deißinger from Universitat #Kostanz. La centralità degli stakeholders perchè formazione e lavoro possano procedere mano per la mano. #GTL2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/giorgioimpe/status/1596105330274013185
RT @FranzNespoli@twitter.com
Find the differences. Here in #Bergamo, on the walls of the conference hall, stands this wooden composition about arts and trades in town in the middle age. Exactly what we are talking about at #GTL2022! There's even a speech scene. This is our metaverse!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FranzNespoli/status/1596105674798567425
RT @FranzNespoli@twitter.com
He his our lieutenant Columbo @colombo_mat@twitter.com. Of course he conducts investigations! About #apprentship and its history: just a tool from the past? Must we rethink it? #GTL2022
Live now on YouTube
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FranzNespoli/status/1596097250693971970
Le lezioni del passato dell’apprendistato per le sfide di oggi secondo @colombo_mat@twitter.com. #GTL2022
Ora @colombo_mat@twitter.com spiega come un istituto come l’apprendistato non è stato storicamente solo contratto ma una istituzione che ha regolato i rapporti sociali e creato innovazione. Un esempio di quello che vogliamo intendere con “costruzione sociale dei mercati del lavoro”. #GTL2022
RT @ProsdocimiSara@twitter.com
The role of #education and #training in the social construction of #skills and occupations. Now the second plenary of the 12° #ADAPT International Conference.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ProsdocimiSara/status/1596093008516378625
#education #training #skills #adapt #gtl2022
RT @MargheRoi@twitter.com
Professor a Manfred Weiss (@goetheuni@twitter.com) interviewed by @Pietro_Manzella@twitter.com #GTL2022 @ADAPT_bulletin@twitter.com @adaptland@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MargheRoi/status/1596091755665006594
RT @ilariafiore_@twitter.com
Plenary session #2 starts now!
@colombo_mat@twitter.com talks about “The social construction of skills and apprenticeships: what lesson from the past?”
Chair: @StefaniaNegri6@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ilariafiore_/status/1596091137370238976
Quando tua figlia si ammala durante il convegno @adaptland@twitter.com più importante dell’anno…per fortuna c’è lo streaming, seguite anche voi la seconda plenaria di #GTL2022