@bluebec It is disappointing to hear that the domain that you've been using for over a decade is going away due to a registrar policy change..
The EPP status is #serverRenewProhibited đ
In my opinion, they should have grandfathered you in, or offered to transition you to the second level domain equivalent since it was their change.
I hope this style of bait-and-switch registrar policy change doesn't become common with new #gTLDs
#ccTLD #Domains #TLD #Internet #DNS #DomainNames #ICANN #NetOps
#serverrenewprohibited #gtlds #cctld #domains #tld #internet #dns #domainnames #icann #netops
#APNIC re-posted my analysis of #CAA #DNS records across all domains under the #gTLDs:
Fun #DNS fact: the .com #TLD contains over 2.5 times as many domains (> 166M) as *all* the other #gTLDs combined (~ 63M, although not counting #ccTLDs).
Additional fun fact: making ~230M DNS queries and juggling the resulting data makes you run into cascading bottleneck situations...
Happy to share that #APNIC syndicated my blog post of my #ICANN #DNS Symposium talk from last year:
"Who controls the Internet? A look at diversity of authoritative NS records in #gTLDs"
Go get your pie charts!
La GNSO est une Supporting Organization de l'ICANN, mais connaissez-vous bien son fonctionnement ? Explications avec Loic Damilaville https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/licann-sa-vie-ses-oeuvres-volet-5-les-supporting-organizations-focus-sur-la-gnso/
One of ICANN's Supporting Organization is the GNSO, but do you really know how it works? Loic Damilaville explains https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/icann-its-life-and-work-part-5-the-supporting-organizations-focus-on-the-gnso/
#icann #gnso #gtlds #internet #web #newgtlds
Ces .marque qui lancent le mouvement. Retour avec CĂ©dric Michel-Flandin sur l'Ă©tude annuelle des brand TLD de DOTZON GmbH https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/ces-marque-qui-lancent-le-mouvement/
The brand TLDs leading the way. A review of the Brand TLD study by DOTZON GmbH with CĂ©dric Michel-Flandin https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/the-brand-tlds-leading-the-way/
#gtlds #brandtlds #branding #marketing #marques
Pourquoi ces marques ont-elles abandonné leur brandTLD ? La réponse avec Mickael Vigreux https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/pourquoi-ces-marques-ont-elles-abandonne-leur-brandtld/
Why some brands have withdrawn their brandTLD. Mickael Vigreux explains : https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/why-some-brands-have-withdrawn-their-brandtld/
#gTLDs #BrandTLDs #TLDs #Internet #Branding #newgTLDs #Marques #Marketing
#gtlds #brandtlds #tlds #internet #branding #newgtlds #marques #marketing
brandTLD : un incontournable pour protéger sa marque sur internet ? https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/brandtld-un-incontournable-pour-proteger-sa-marque-sur-internet/
Are brandTLDs an essential means of protecting your brand on Internet? https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/brandtld-an-essential-means-of-protecting-your-internet-brand/
#Brands #NewgTLDs #gTLDs #Branding #digital #marques #numérique #BrandTLDs
#newgtlds #gtlds #branding #numérique #brands #digital #marques #brandtlds
Pourquoi Ă©tudier dĂšs maintenant lâopportunitĂ© dâune extension personnalisĂ©e https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/pourquoi-etudier-des-maintenant-lopportunite-dune-extension-personnalisee/
Why you should start thinking about a custom TLD https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/why-you-should-start-thinking-about-a-custom-tld/
#Brands #branding #Internet #gltds #newgltds #ICANN #Marques #Marketing #gTLDs #ICANN #Internet #Branding
#internet #gltds #newgltds #icann #marques #marketing #gtlds #branding #brands
Se lancer dans l'aventure d'un .marque : quelle est lâorganisation interne et externe Ă mettre en place ?
To launch a .brand TLD: what internal and external organisation should be set up?
#afnic #brands #gtlds #branding #marketing
Se lancer dans l'aventure d'un .marque : quelle Ă©quipe constituer pour mener Ă bien votre projet ? https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/projet-de-marque-quelle-equipe-constituer/
To launch a .brand TLD: what kind of team do you need to succeed in your project? https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/a-brand-tld-project-what-kind-of-team-do-you-need/
#brands #gtlds #branding #marketing #marques
Appréhender le messy middle avec une stratégie en .marque par Sandrine ANDRO https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/apprehender-le-messy-middle-avec-une-strategie-en-marque/
Getting a grip on the messy middle with a .brand strategy by Sandrine ANDRO https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/getting-a-grip-on-the-messy-middle-with-a-brand-strategy/
#Afnic #gTLDs #Brands #Branding #Marketing #Trademarks #Marques
#afnic #gtlds #brands #branding #marketing #trademarks #marques
Distinguer les noms de domaine dĂ©tournĂ©s des noms de domaine enregistrĂ©s aux fins dâactes de malveillance Ă lâaide de COMAR : principaux rĂ©sultats et perspectives dâavenir https://www.afnic.fr/observatoire-ressources/papier-expert/distinguer-les-noms-de-domaine-detournes-des-noms-de-domaine-enregistres-aux-fins-dactes-de-malveillance-a-laide-de-comar-principaux-resultats-et-perspectives-davenir/ #CybersĂ©curitĂ©
Distinguishing exploited from malicious domain names using COMAR: key findings and future directions https://www.afnic.fr/en/observatory-and-resources/expert-papers/distinguishing-exploited-from-malicious-domain-names-using-comar-key-findings-and-future-directions/ #DNS #Afnic #ccTLDs #gTLDs #CyberSecurity #Internet #Security
#cybersécurité #dns #afnic #cctlds #gtlds #cybersecurity #internet #security
Répartition des noms de domaine gérés par #Afnic en 2018. Retrouvez tous les chiffres clés de notre rapport annuel 2018 sur https://www.afnic.fr/fr/l-afnic-en-bref/actualites/actualites-generales/11587/show/rapport-annuel-2018-de-l-afnic-pour-un-internet-de-confiance-et-solidaire-3.html #Internet #Web #France
Distribution of domain names managed by #Afnic in 2018. Discover all the key figures from our 2018 annual report on https://www.afnic.fr/en/about-afnic/news/general-news/11581/show/afnic-annual-report-2018-for-a-trustworthy-inclusive-internet.html #gTLDs
#internet #web #france #gtlds #afnic
RĂ©flexions sur les modĂšles Ă©conomiques des nouveaux TLD https://www.afnic.fr/fr/ressources/blog/reflexions-sur-les-modeles-economiques-des-nouveaux-tld.html
Food for thought on the #newTLD business models https://www.afnic.fr/en/resources/blog/food-for-thought-on-the-new-tld-business-models.html
#newtld #afnic #newgtlds #icann #gtlds