Smoked cigars at one time or another on damn near every beach on the windward side of this naval station while deployed there in 2008. This one is leeward: sunrise on 10 March, 2018, from Chapman Beach at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Photographer unknown.
#gtmo #leewardside #atlanticocean
@three_star_dave I don't get why we don't hear anything about DeSatan's participation in torture at #GITMO #GTMO as a #USNavy JAG during Bush-Cheney. He may not have done the water-boarding but the legal team he was on defended/buried it...
Ravil Mingazov a Russian citizen was imprisoned at #GTMO for 15 years. In 2017 was sent to the UAE as a resettlement agreement, only to be imprisoned again for the last 6 years in the UAE's GTMO where he is deprived of all rights.
#lifeafterguantanamo #gtmo #freeravil
Martin Luther King, I heard this name at #Guantánamo. " I have a dream" first words. I was living a worse nightmare. After reading a book about him I sent him a letter telling him about Guantánamo. I wondered what would he do about #Gtmo if he was still alive.
#LMKDay #CloseGtmo
#guantanamo #gtmo #lmkday #closegtmo
RT Donald Rumsfeld ceded any moral capital regarding #Guantanamo when he abandoned the #RuleOfLaw and embraced #torture as policy within the Department of Defense — and #SERE (#EIT) interrogational abuses became part of standard operating procedures at #GTMO, Afghanistan and Iraq.
#Guantanamo #ruleoflaw #torture #sere #eit #gtmo
President Biden can rectify this injustice & restore the #RuleOfLaw as US national policy. The #GTMO Working Group details how to restore the rule of law at #Guantanamo and lift the cloak of invisibility over the past misguided #torture policies.
#ruleoflaw #gtmo #guantanamo #torture
The most important 9/11 case is still pending 20 years on. explains how it could be resolved with a military commission plea deal that provides – otherwise unattainable – finality for victims’ families.