100 days of code - BASH edition!
Day 2, using what I got from Open AI GTP-3, I expanded the script and made a few other statements to display additional system variables.
#BASH #Linux #Kali #WSLg #100DasyOfCode #OpenAi #GTP3 #BashScript
#bash #linux #kali #wslg #100dasyofcode #openai #gtp3 #bashscript
Playing around with OpenAI GPT-3 to write code and let me tell you, I don’t have to learn Bach scripting anymore!!!!
💻 🤖 #OpenAi #GTP3 #Bash #BashScript #lazy
#openai #gtp3 #bash #bashscript #lazy
Umelá inteligencia – o to mĂşdrejšia, o čo my sme hlĂşpejšĂ
~ Tomáš Ulej
@Framatophe tout à fait. Exemple encore la semaine dernière , à la question " peux tu résumer la pensée de Spinoza?", sur les trois réponses analysées par une philosophe spécialiste de Spinoza : une réponse est correcte, mais superficielle, une autre est inexacte, et la troisième est fausse. Il faut être spécialiste pour analyser la pertinence et l'exactitude des réponses de #gtp3
hey there, so it turns out my wife is one of those folks that cant eat anything because of her hyperthyroidism. that's because she cant eat iodine but there's iodine in everything in modern society. None of the tasty stuff she can eat, and especially none of the easy stuff to make she can eat. So i made a thing that generates "no iodine recipes" check it out here : https://cookup.ai/a/low-iodine-diet-recipe-generator-jvsuukvz/ maybe you'll need this diet one day if you need certain surgeries or treatments for thyroid disease . Just this simple diet really helps us keep her off the chopping block / radioactive iodine tx . I'm going to generate one and use the shopping list , maybe y'all will find it interesting to use AI for foodies stuff, hopefully some of the recipes will actually be tasty too ♥️🍽
#thyroid #cancer #surgery #ai #gtp3 #diet #health #bio
#health #bio #thyroid #cancer #surgery #ai #gtp3 #diet
RT @dunkelmunkel
Zukunftsthesen von Doris WeĂźels @dwkro zum Einsatz von KI-Systemen wie #gtp3 #chatgpt in Studium und Lehre: https://www.forschung-und-lehre.de/lehre/chatgpt-ein-meilenstein-der-ki-entwicklung-5271
1/2 #GTP3 memes aside, I just had my first real session with #openai #GPT3 chat. The #CNCF OPA (Open Policy Agent) was a good candidate - something I know little about but enough about the domain to ask questions. As an alternative spending an hour reading whatever Google served up - I actually found asking questions much more efficient and natural way to learn. It would be good if the chatbot had some “memory” of our interaction so I wouldn’t see so much repeated boiler plate and …
À quoi serviront les humains si #machine parle mieux qu'eux ? Elle les utilisera comme des périphériques externes, sources de désirs primitifs.
On dira “brouf me” et elle pondra une hagiographie pleine d'humour lue par des machines qui traduiront “lui brouf !” aux lecteurs humains. #GPT4.#GTP3
As lots of new language models crop up, social media is abuzz again with "AI and doomsday" discussions
Answers to questions on 'ethics,' 'values,' etc., are littered with circular logic and self-referential statements. Honestly, I am always confused while following these debates. It is often much easier to follow my own beliefs without argument.
Une IA va répondre à mes questions sur HTML / CSS
Peux tu ajouter des liens qui pointent vers le site web http://nsi.xyz sur l'expression "mon site web" et sur l'image ?
#OpenAI #GTP3 10/n