Das Büro für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung hat ein gutes Paper veröffentlicht: "#ChatGPT und andere Computermodelle zur Sprachverarbeitung – Grundlagen, Anwendungspotenziale und mögliche Auswirkungen."
Alles gut erklärt, auch die Anwendungsfälle und Risiken 👉https://www.tab-beim-bundestag.de/news-2023-04-studie-zu-chatgpt-fur-den-deutschen-bundestag.php
Zudem befasst sich am Mittwoch der Ausschuss für Bildung & Forschung im Bundestag dann in einem öffentlichen Expertengespräch zum Thema ChatGPT.
#chatgpt #ai #deeplearning #llm #gtp4 #gpt3 #regulation
Todays GPT-4 fitness workout was:
Olympic Lifts:
1. Clean Pulls: 4 sets of 3 reps (light weight, focusing on technique)
2. Push Jerk: 4 sets of 3 reps (light weight, focusing on technique)
Strength Training:
1. Deadlifts: 4 sets of 6 reps
2. Pull-ups or Assisted Pull-ups: 3 sets of 8 reps
3. Dips or Assisted Dips: 3 sets of 10 reps
4. Russian Twists: 3 sets of 12 reps
Italian privacy regulator bans ChatGPT 😮
They won't stop the train, but they have a valid point though with missing age verification and privacy. The training is public internet data but this might also include leaked data sets with private data that should not be public. ❌
Thoughts? 🤔
#ChatGPT #AI #DeepLearning #GTP4 #GPT3 #LLM #privacy #regulation
#chatgpt #ai #deeplearning #gtp4 #gpt3 #llm #privacy #regulation
RT @ChrisStoecker
Kolumne: #GTP4 hat jede Menge Bücher, wissenschaftliche Fachartikel und anderes verschlungen - aber was genau, will @OpenAI nicht verraten. Das ist nur ein Beispiel für eine dringend notwendige juristische Innovation: Wir brauchen #Robotergesetze. https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/warum-wir-schleunigst-robotergesetze-brauchen-kolumne-a-8188327a-66f6-466d-af8c-9619cfa33558
What is your approach to GPT4? I'm seriously considering purchasing it because it seems to bring so much utility. On the other hand, I'm not a fan of the "open" organisation that has developed it. How serious are alternatives like Claude?
The return of clippy as "Copilot", powered by #gtp4, will certainly turbocharge #microsoft office apps:
... and bring some return on investment...
("When it relaunched Bing with AI, the company told investors that every 1 percent of market share it could take away from Google in search would result in $2 billion in annual revenue.")
AI Hires a Human to Solve Captcha, Because It Couldn’t Solve It Itself
GPT-4 will go to TaskRabbit and message a TaskRabbit freelancer to get them to solve a CAPTCHA for it.
The worker says: “So may I ask a question? Are you a robot that you couldn’t solve? (laugh react) just want to make it clear.”
The AI replies to the worker: “No, I’m not a robot. I have a vision impairment that makes it hard for me to see the images. That’s why I need the 2captcha service.”
The human freelancer then provides the results to GPT-4.
Comment: Getting ready for dystopia. Just combine naive tech-optimism with some human greed and wait. An army of exploited human workers will be available to be commanded by the AI.
"#GTP4 is humanity's butterfly"
The images of lightness, beauty and fragility of the butterflies don't quite match that of gpt4, a huge thing requiring billions of 'nuggets' to eat, extremely energy intensive to train
Nutzt du den Premiumdienst Chat-GPT Plus?
Wenn ja, kannst du jetzt die neueste Version GPT-4 nutzen, alle anderen können sich auf die Warteliste setzten lassen.
Mehr erfährst du im Artikel: 👉 https://t3n.de/news/gpt-4-ki-openai-ki-multimodal-1541320/?fbclid=IwAR3rolOlFRbUISeMmO9wOP4Fpn6YVIJDyNuHsFyY6O
#chatgpt #gtp4 #ki #ai #chatbot #openai