the phrase “i need to figure out how to sandwich the glmer” was not something i expected to text a friend on a sunday morning #rstats #lme4 #gtsummary
#gtsummary v1.7.0 is now on CRAN!🐘🕺
What I thought would be a small release to account me a small change in the new dplyr, turned into a great release with many new features (primarily added by
Joseph Larmarange)!
#gtsummary #rstats #datascience
I complain a lot about making tables in #rstats but #gt and #gtsummary are amazing packages. Kudos to the developers.
Please to announce the latest release of the {gtsummary}📦!
My favorite new feature is that header rows in flextable output now recognize markdown syntax for bold/italic😍🤓
#rstats #datascience #gtsummary