Two very good, occasionally very difficult, and also very funny metroidvanias are currently free on the Epic Games Store and if you have any interest in the genre, you should absolutely download them. [Unless, you already own them. In which case, well done.] #Guacamelee #Guacamelee2 #metroidvanias
#guacamelee #guacamelee2 #metroidvanias
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition e Guacamelee! 2 sono gratis su Epic Games Store
#DrinkBoxStudios #EpicGamesStore #Guacamelee2 #GuacameleeSuperTurboChampionshipEdition
#drinkboxstudios #epicgamesstore #guacamelee2 #guacameleesuperturbochampionshipedition
Sinon, #Guacamelee2 est sortie, c'est moins cher, moins buggué et mieux que #Fallout76.