View by @nasa satellite #SuomiNPP yesterday afternoon of cloud formations west of #BajaCalifornia. Nice small low pressure area, subtle Von Kármán vortices downwind from #Guadelupe island, and - only visible after enhancement (2nd pic) a #glory (upper left of centre). A light diffraction phenomenon in the cloud droplets when the sun is right behind te satellite. One can see such a glory often from airplanes. Also visible shiptrails (at upper left). Original,-131.2907,31.909,-109.4738&CRS=EPSG:4326&LAYERS=VIIRS_SNPP_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor,Coastlines_15m&WRAP=day,x&FORMAT=image/jpeg&WIDTH=4965&HEIGHT=4189&ts=1688299063565
#suominpp #bajacalifornia #guadelupe #glory