@Yehuda@turtleisland.art @Yehuda@turtleisland.social
I tried again this morning in case it was just an error. There is no tweet box to create a #tweet and I get only a #draft option for replies to anyone including my own tweets.
#tweet #draft #twitter #twitterimplosion #birdsite #xxit #guano
Oltre un secolo e non sentirlo: l’esasperata metafora parassitaria dell’ipnolumaca
#animali #parassiti #trematodi #vermi #lumache #contaminazione #infezione #zombie #comportamento #molluschi #natura #biologia #ciclo vitale #esseri #mostri #scienza #foresta #palude #rischio #osservazione #studio #Germania #Polonia #larve #guano
#animali #parassiti #trematodi #vermi #lumache #contaminazione #infezione #zombie #comportamento #molluschi #natura #biologia #ciclo #esseri #mostri #scienza #foresta #palude #rischio #osservazione #studio #germania #polonia #larve #guano
L’antico principe della montagna nella sacra caverna di guano
#animali #uccelli #condor #montagne #ande #natura #biologia #carnivori #saprofagi #creature #evoluzione #storia #studi #scienza #guano #sudamerica #argentina #caverna #riproduzione #predatori
#animali #uccelli #condor #montagne #ande #natura #biologia #carnivori #saprofagi #creature #evoluzione #storia #studi #scienza #guano #sudamerica #argentina #caverna #riproduzione #predatori
An unserem Haus haben wir einen Falken-Kasten, in dem schon seit mehreren Jahren immer wieder Falken brüten und Nachwuchs großziehen, so auch dieses Jahr (4 Falken).
Diese 4 #Falken hinterlassen leider (oder zum Glück?) relativ viel #Kot und das Pendant zum menschlichen #Urin (ohne Wasser), also diese weiße Masse.
Könnte man aus diesem Kot #Guano, also einen wertvollen #Phosphor -Dünger machen? Unser Boden ist auch sehr kalkreich. Chemisch müsste es möglich sein.
#phosphor #guano #urin #kot #falken
2200-year-old #guano pile reveals historical adaptations by Andean #condors.
#coprogenomics #DNA #conservation #evolution
#guano #condors #coprogenomics #dna #conservation #evolution
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-05-year-old-guano-pile-reveals-historical.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-05-year-old-guano-pile-reveals-historical.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1653780957067878405#m
2200-year-old #guano pile reveals historical adaptations by Andean condors @RSocPublishing https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2023.0106 https://phys.org/news/2023-05-year-old-guano-pile-reveals-historical.html
A fun, historical read about #guano, bat excrement that was heavily used as fertilizer in the mid-20th century. When guano was discovered in a cave above the Colorado River in the 1930s, companies wanted to access it. However, cable failures, among other mishaps, sidelined the project, and the mine closed around 1960. https://www.arizonahighways.com/classroom/grand-canyon-guano-mine #Arizona #GrandCanyon
#Guano from #penguin colonies is an #archaeological treasure
#archaeological #penguin #guano
Die Stickstoff-Schwemme by Karl Urban #Geowissenschaften #Umwelt #Anthropozän #Dünger #Erde #Geologie #Guano #Luft #PlanetareGrenzen #Stickoxide #Stickstoff #Überdüngung #Vögel #AstroGeoVodcast #podcast #bot Eigentlich ist Stickstoff ein unverzichtbares Element für alle Lebewesen. Über Jahrmilliarden waren biologisch nutzbare Formen des Stickstoffs heiß begehrt und rar. Doch seit rund hundert Jahren hat sich die Lage auf der Erde dra…
#Geowissenschaften #umwelt #anthropozan #dunger #erde #geologie #guano #luft #PlanetareGrenzen #stickoxide #stickstoff #uberdungung #vogel #astrogeovodcast #podcast #bot
#NewPaper #Paleontology #Pterosaurs #Guano
Gregory J. Retallack, Gregory E. Carr, and Adrian P. Broz (2023)
Early Cretaceous pterosaur guano deposit from central Oregon, USA
Lethaia 56(1): XXX
doi: https://doi.org/10.18261/let.56.1.3
#newpaper #paleontology #pterosaurs #guano
Would it be worthwhile to position your #birdFeeder over your #compost pile, to get a little bird #guano added to the mix?
Or do birds generally not poop where they eat?
(I don't have a #garden or compost pile yet, but it just popped into my head.)
#birdfeeder #compost #guano #garden
@debihope Other names I've seen (or want to see) include #FowlSite, the #MuskianHellscape and #Guano
#fowlsite #muskianhellscape #guano
🚨NEW PAPER ALERT🚨 recent #AdriftLab MSc graduate Karli Mylius has published her first, first-author paper - yay yay👏
Our research focused on the ingestion of #nanoplastics by #shorebirds as few data exist, globally. To do this, we also collected data on #plastic particles in beach #sediments from locations where we saw the birds actively feeding in #Tasmania.
We studied #HoodedPlover (Vulnerable species) and #PiedOystercatcher (📸 credit Eric J Woehler) & found 1000s of tiny plastics in ALL of the birds and sediments we examined, no matter how remote the location.
Hooded Plovers have shorter beaks, and because of this, they feed in shallower (surface) sediments where more plastic has been shown to accumulate. Not surprisingly, their #guano 💩 contained 32× more plastics, on average, than Pied Oystercatchers! 😳😢
We gratefully acknowledge the #TraditionalOwners of lutruwita, where this research was undertaken and funding from BirdLife TAS and a generous philanthropist who directly supported both students involved in this project during the 2022 cost of living crisis.
ACCESS THE PAPER HERE (free to download for 50 days) ➡️
#FlowCytometry #FTIR #microplastics #beaches #DetectionMethods #ParticleSize
#AdriftLab #nanoplastics #shorebirds #plastic #Sediments #tasmania #hoodedplover #piedoystercatcher #guano #traditionalowners #flowcytometry #ftir #microplastics #beaches #detectionmethods #particlesize
Challenge accepted.
#twitterpoll #twitter #twitterimplosion #birdsite #guano
Gee, what are the chances he'll take our advice?
#twitter #birdsite #twitterimplosion #guano
Is anyone else's #Twitter feed wacky today? The tweets are not real time, they are all over the place from many hours to many days old, and random. It's also not refreshing, even manually. It wasn't' like this yesterday.
#twitter #birdsite #twitterimplosion #guano
The Ol' Bird has now added fake warnings to all Mastodon links. Here's what they did on mine.
#twitter #birdsite #twitterimplosion #guano
Hübsch!? Dieses „Juwel neugotischer Baukunst“ aus Viktorias Zeiten wurde möglich, weil sein Besitzer das Monopol auf Seevogel-Schiet hielt. Geld stinkt vielleicht nicht, #Guano allerdings schon. Was #Tyntesfield und südamerikanische Vogelkacke mit dem Verlust der #Artenvielfalt zu tun haben, lässt sich nachhören im AstroGeo #Podcast #🎧 https://www.riffreporter.de/de/wissen/astrogeo-podcast-stickstoff-kreislauf-erde-guano-oekologie-sachbuch-anne-preger
#guano #tyntesfield #Artenvielfalt #podcast